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Do you think he likes me or just using me?

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Does he really like me or just using me?


I've meant this one guy at a beauty shop that he us to work at. He was about my height, had green eyes, and jet black long hair. The very first time that I have seen him was in the Spring in 2003. I layed eyes on him and had a really big crush one this guy, but he wasn't really cutting hair that day, he was maybe on training or something. When he came back and said the other 2 women names (for the tanning bed) he looked like he was staring at me or something (I was stareing at him as) and after that he turned around so quick.


Now, back in Nov. of 2004 I walk in the beauty shop, he look like he was staring at me and I took a quick glimps at him. He did my brother's and my mother's hair that day and didn't do mine. He just sat in the chair for a min. and walked across, and then I was staring at him when he walked. He did my brother's hair really fast, and I really had this funny feeling in my tummy. When the lady who did my hair she called my name and she had to wash my hair, and then she came to my chair I looked at his face; he just wrinkle up his forehead. After he was done with my brother, of course he had to do my mother's. When he was washing my mother's hair, he was looking in the same mirror where I was sitting at; then I looked up at him and smiled right at him, then he smile right back at me. After he was all finished and everthing, he walked up to the cashier desk (where I was standing to somewhat close to the computer) and I was staring while he was walking. My mom ask for a caculator, which he didn't say anything just pulled one out and I was watching him pulling out the caculator. When my mother was having problems as always; so we both looked at each other and he did even seemed he blinked once. We didn't smile that time, and when I was ready to leave or should I said when my mother said something, I turn and looked at her while he was still staring at me. After my mother was done she and turned back, he stopped staring at me and wrinkle up his forehead again.


Back in Feb. I guess he was coming in late and when he was walking in and this girl said "I was worried that you wasn't going to show" he didn't smile or said anything to her, my mother said he looked down at me and walk pretty fast. When he got his stuff organized and stuff, he went to the mirror (when I was staring at him to the mirror and when he was walking to the cashier desk) he was fixing his hair and shirt and then was looking down while walking until he got to the cashier desk; he was leaning foward and started to smile and stare at me and I stared and smiled back. He called my mom's name and I looked at my mom (which he was still staring at me) and she said "go ahead" and I said "OK I'll go". I was wearing my Black Sabbath ruined my life t-shirt. When I start to walk towards him he said "Black Sabbath"! He was talking about this concert and how it awesome it was to see The Crew and Black Sabbath! I had a really big smile on my face and was looking at him; and quite shock that he was talking a lot that day because that's the most that I have ever heard him talk! He kept talking on and on and on at the cashier's desk for a min. and walked on as I followed him. He told me he was in the band as well and I said really and he said yeah. He also said what would you like to have done for today? I said just a term and he asked me did you want layered? I said no. I was ready to sit down on where you get your hair washed. He saw the back of my shirt (because it was a concert shirt) and said lean foward and touched back :D and told me "did go to this concert?" I said no my brother did. He also said which one did he go to? I said the wrong place which I said Gund arena which it was at Blossom. I think I was really nervous and said the wrong place and he No that's not where they performed at. He said probably at PA. He was wrong as well. :laugh: Then I leaned back to get my hair washed and still was talking and then he switched the subject so quick and asked about my age. I was like O 19 and he said how old do you think I look? I said 20 because he looked pretty young and said no I'm 30. He was washing my hair and it felt really good and I somewhat closed my eyes in this one part which it felt really good. Still washing my hair I ask him what was his favorite band? Well, he said my favorite band and start to naming them. And he was talking o man Slash from Guns N Roses and now from Velvet Relvor. He said I can't wait until they come in to town and I was had a big grin on my face and said "yes, yes". He said that he also had and Ozzy tattoo. He also I don't like Ozzy in Black Sabbath and like him in Ozzy and I said "I have to agree." He told me After he was done washing my hair and stuff, I lift my head up gently and the water was still running but away from me a little, it splashed on me. He grabbed the towel and wiped my face off and I had a big smile.


After all done with the washing and stuff and told me over here, and he swing the chair around like a gentleman, and I said thanks real soft and somewhat stumbled. He said that he had an Ozzy tattoo and he point where his original was (where Ozzy had his) and lift his sleeve of his tee shirt and let me stare at it for a good min. or so. After that it was really quite, I'm a kind of shy person though. When he was combing my hair back I put my head down like I usually do, and he put his to hands on the side of my face and lifted up very slowly. He stared at the mirror and I look right back at him. He took about a min. and then when to his working station got his glasses and put them on and look back at the mirror (I was still staring at him). He looked down, looked like he was going to cut, then he took off his glasses threw them where he was working at, and then drunk a couple sips of his water. Then after that he started on my left side, put his 2 fingers on my face and pushed his way, when he said look my way. I was staring at his chest (he has a nice chest to) :o . We didn't say anything, I really let him cut my hair in piece. He indtroduce himself and said "My name is Blake" and I said "I'm Melissa." He also asked me where I was from and I said McDonald in a chokey way and he said what? I said McDonald. Like a dummy me, I didn't asked him where he was from. He also asked me have you been here before? I said yeah, and asked me did I cut you hair before, and I said no I think you cutted my mom and my brother's hair. He also asked me again did you want your hair layered? I said no. When he was getting close to the right side of me, he dropped the comb and I'd look down and see what he was going to do. He kicked it to his station and going threw his drawer and finding a new comb, and the same girl that said something to him before, she was looking up and down on his arm and smiled at him. When he got back right behind me he did a quick smile at her and wrinkle up his forehead and went back on my hair. He also had his hand of top of my head while doing my hair as well. He also did the same thing on the right side put his to fingers on my face and told me to look his way. I did the same thing. He also asked me did you want bangs? I said no. I didn't tell him this, but I hated bangs. The girl said Blake could I talk to you for a min.? He said yeah after I'm done. (when he was still behind me working on my hair)


After all that done cutting my hair, he asked me "did you want your hair nicely dryied" when he was looking at me. I said "yeah, sure." He turned me around and sperate my hair layer, by layer, doing the blow dry. He asked me "are you in a hurry"? Also when he was blow drying my hair I looked on my left and the girl was looking at me (a different girl) like a jealous way or something close to that. I said no, because I had to go to the movies that day, and the theater was just down the road. After all that, he turned me comptely around and grabbed a mirror (which I almost touched his hand, but nevoursly pulled it away). I didn't tell him to turned the mirror around, I told him it looks good. He said are you sure? I looked at him and said yeah. He took like 45-50 mins on my hair. When I got up the girl talking to Blake before said "have fun at the movies", I just somewhat smiled and shook my head yes, and then looked at Blake and he looked depressed and was looking down. I wasn't to happy to leave him either. I contined to walke foward and he said "Did they pay, did they pay"? and the other girl said yes they paid. I went to my mom and whispered could I show him something? I wanted to show him my Ozzy Osbourne drawing that I did last year. She told me next time. He started to say "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" slow and I turned around and just smiled real big at him, but still look depressed, and those other girls were just looking at me. I think Blake hated those girls to.


The last time I called at the beauty shop, and they said Blake no longer works here. My mom also said that he had my number and address on computer. So I don't know.


After I meant Blake, I been getting chills and don't know if that means anything or not. I'm not ill or anything, they just happen.


Please tell me on what you think


Thank you


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Originally posted by Meliss

The last time I called at the beauty shop, and they said Blake no longer works here. My mom also said that he had my number and address on computer. So I don't know.


Considering he has many clients during the day, and probably has given hundreds of different girls haircuts...it would probably be tough for you to make a huge impression in just one session. However, if you did make a big impression on him, and he was really interested in you...as your mom said - he had your number and address on the computer. And since he didn't call, I think it's game over - sorry to say. Not to say that he wasn't attracted to you, but even if he was he probably didn't want to bother asking out one of the MANY girls he gave a haircut to. Also the fact that you were with your mom kinda puts the age different in perspective a little bit, if you know what I mean.


And I don't suggest chasing him down. If you somehow get his number through the beauty shop, and call him or whatever he might freak out a little bit and think you're desperate. But I mean, it's your call. I've had cute girls come into where I work and I have a nice conversation with them and I would probably be flattered if I got a call from them (assuming it wasn't like 3 months later or whatever, then I would be a little freaked out). IMO though I wouldn't go that route unless you truly feel the need to do so.


Sorry I can't help much, Melissa.

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Sorry to say this, but you're really reading too much into all this. Just tell yourself it's just a crush and let it go. You seem a little 'unpolished' ( I'm not patronising you :) ) when it comes to meeting people. Go out and meet more people. But it'll be a great idea if mom's not around the next time :)

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A Fly onThe Wall

I learned a long time ago to not date the girl that cuts your hair..


When she is pissed at you you get a bad hair cut..

If you break up then you have to go find someone else to cut your hair. Unless you want to be bald :laugh:

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