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Very touchy subject

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Don't feel so bad. I think you are just realizing that sex / relationships is a circus, and you just don't want to jump through those hoops.... just keep on being social, and when the right girl shows up , you will know it. How? Well, if she tells you that she almost called out brad pitt's name during orgasm last night, you can look at her lovingly and say: "I know exactly how you feel, hun. Yesterday, while I was shagging the neighbor's 18 year old daughter, I almost called out your name during my orgasm!" And you both will laugh. Too many people think with their reproductive organs, and wind up being miserable the rest of their lives. Don't be one of them. Work on yourself, and hey, if you are a single millionaire in your sixties, taking pleasure cruises, vacationing, eating at the finest places the Earth has to offer, etc., you can console yourself with the thought of all those people who, though they got sex, have wasted all their money on gold diggers, alimony, child support payments, divorce settlements, and the like, not being able to do what you are doing. You can raise your champagne filled glass to them in salute. They have their lives to live and you have yours...:D

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In thinking about this, it occurs to me I'm never this mindful during sex. I'm either focused on my wife and what she's feeling or sort of mentally leaning back and taking it all in, more passenger than driver mode. It's like watching a beautiful sunset, never occurs to me to fantasize about a waterfall instead.


Hawk88, must be women out there feel the same way. As with doubles in tennis, success in marriage is all about partner selection...


Mr. Lucky


Sometimes my wife is feeling that I need to finish up as she is worn out. I find that at times the longer I delay the harder it gets to actually finish. Also at times she is not putting in the effort - for whatever reason- and I need a booster shot of erotic. Just saying that's me after many long years.Its rare I do this.


I question a man or woman who has not gotten a little reved presex or during sex from an image or exposure to a good looking person

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If my wife ever fantasized about, say, Robert Redford (she liked him), then the Robert Redford, in me, gave her one h*ll of a good time. Plus, I got the benefits of the fantasy too. All I really need to know is that my wife loves me as much as I love her and I know this. No other thoughts matter to me. If she fantasizes about Brad Pitt then it just adds spice to what we are doing. If you think she is fantasizing then you fantasize that she is Kate Beckinsale. Its a form of role playing. Quit worrying and enjoy each other. I wish you well.

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You're getting yourself worked up over nothing. You're not even in a relationship currently...why are you so hung up on this?


I've been with my husband for 6 years and personally I have not fantasized about someone else *during* sex. But if my SO did occasionally, I might not want to know the nitty gritty details, but I also really wouldn't care. We have an active, healthy sex life and we are attracted to each other. Sometimes when you spend your entire life sleeping with the same person, the mind gets creative in order to keep things interesting.


This is as hard for me to understand as people who want to know every detail of their partner's past. Numbers, things they tried with other lovers...I just don't get it. Why is this necessary knowledge? Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Mature people don't let their relationships get hung up on these things, IMO.

Edited by kiss_andmakeup
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