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I ran into my ex-narc this weekend (Not today Satan!)


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Ran into my ex narc this weekend. Little back story, he cheated on me and humiliated me in front of his friends while we were on vacation in Florida and then proceeded to run my name through the mud.


Anyway, ran into him this weekend for the first time in 8 months. I was getting out of the car with my now boyfriend at a party and as I was getting out, he walked by stopped and stared. I refused to say hello, so i turned my back on him, looked at my boyfriend (who knows my ex and the situation) and kissed my boyfriend on the lips as my ex-narc looked on. My boyfriend looked at me and said "That was really awkward." We both started laughing after. In my mind all I thought was "Not today, Satan. Not today."


It is possible to move on from narcissists! I learned after that since the encounter my ex has been complaining about me to mutual friends. My first thought: "Who cares?"


Just wanted to share, as this ex left me broken emotionally.:cool:

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I have a question for you ?

Why care ?

I mean you said you are dating a new guy and he's your new bf so why would it matter ?


I'm only asking to see if you have any residual feelings for the ex ?

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Residual in the sense that I will never allow him anywhere near my life? Yes, that is residual.

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Hmm ....

I don't think so because you took the time to post a thread and with the details you described this obviosulybmade some impression on you


I saw my ex online and I still had a great sleep that night, I didn't even bring it up until me and my friends where talking about my ex

But yeah I think maybe you till have some feelings ? Is it possible ?

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OP received the opportunity that many people on this site admittedly crave.

That is, to see your ex in a situation in which you feel you have the upper hand and are with someone else to show that you've moved forward. They shared that with us and that must mean that they aren't over their ex? No.


Story time. Once I ate a fistful of black jellybeans convinced they were grape and threw up. Now if I smell/see licorice I get a kinda sickly feeling. Does that also mean that I'm not over the situation that happened with the jellybeans? Or maybe I had LEARNED my lesson and now instinct gives me caution signals when something is not good for me but is in my surroundings.


In conclusion, the OP was giving dumpee's and the abused on this site a community point against their oppressors. It's a feel good post. Stop assuming everyone is bitter.

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No ones assuming anyone's bitter it was a question

Maybe you should see a therapist about the jelly beans

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No ones assuming anyone's bitter it was a question

Maybe you should see a therapist about the jelly beans


Maybe you should see a therapist about all your projections, Cheater.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You go girl!!! Don't listen to Purepony, you're not bitter. It's only logical to feel that way :)

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Well, it would be convenient if you could just avoid him, but absent that, just getting to where you don't give a crap WHAT he thinks is best. That means not overcompensating and making out with your boyfriend so he'll see it. It means not giving one crap what he takes away from the encounter or caring what he tells other people. If they have any loyalty to you, they can come and ask, but mostly they will just take what he says with a grain of salt because they know him and know what people are like after they break up.

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