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age gap relationship

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Awhile ago I wrote in about a guy 15 yrs older than I, that I'm crazy about and was asking about how I should take things a step further with him. He and I met and started getting to know each other in his place of work. Instantly there was a huge attraction, and ever since our conversations are great. He's also an artist and shows his work. You suggested I ask him to see his work, and I did that. I actually told him I was going to go see it on my own first and then when I saw him again I told him how much I loved it and he invited me to come see other paintings he did, but that he'd show me him self. I did that too. Now, things are better between us, I think he feels a little bit more sure about my interest in him, however I still think there's some hesitation on his part to pursue things. For example, the last time I saw him, he thanked me for coming in pretty formally and it felt strange. I don't know what signals I'm sending the guy, but obviously he needs way more from me than I'm giving him, to want to pursue things outside his workplace. I'm not sure what to do? I'm only 22 and he's 37 and I just don't really feel that confortable asking him out to dinner when I'm there, I do however want to spend time with him, as much time as possible. I'm crazy about this guy and I think that after a year and a half he should have gotten the hint! What do you think???



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I really think you ought to take a more agressive approach, work or not. If you don't want to invite him to dinner, see if he'll join you for a concert, an art show, or some other event...in-doors or out. There are many discrete ways of asking him out if you're afraid of being observed.


He probably feels attracted to you but is not used to this age difference. That's OK. You can show him how little difference it makes with your behavior. I think this could work out very nice for you. I know you are frustrated but you've got to flush things out by taking a more direct approach. At least by doing so, you'll know more exactly where this may go.

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