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Height differences!

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It bothers me that people finds funny the height differences between my boyfriend and me. he's 6'3 and i'm only 5'1. I know i shouldn't pay attention but it bothers me how can i deal with them?

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Miss Mojo

hi shorty,


i think the best way to deal with this is to just make jokes about it, and laugh it off. you have the exact same height difference that my aunt and uncle have, and over time, the comments about the difference in their height wore very thin....unfortunately the jokes that i've heard many crack about height difference aren't exactly the kind i'd post here! ;)


very few couples are exactly the same height. some men are shorter than their girlfriends, and *many* women are shorter than their boyfriends. i had an ex who was a good 20cm taller than me, and my friend's boyfriend is 6'8" (basketballer), and she is 5'8. her brother is 6'5" (another basketballer) and his girlfriend is 5'2".


just try not to take their comments to heart. 6'3" is very tall, and that's probably the only reason it's so noticeable. i've never made a comment to anybody about height difference. most people don't really care.


hey, you have it rather lucky here....you're boyfriend has no excuse not to change a light bulb, hang the washing on the line, reach the top shelf of the cupboard.....


it most likely doesn't bother him, and when people get used to the two of you together, they'll get bored with the comments. it could be worse though....what about these poor couples who get stared at because they're in inter-racial relationships, or their partner has a disability etc....don't worry about the shallow people out there. they honestly aren't worth letting get to you.



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