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STD test after boys' trip to Bali?

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My boyfriend went to Bali while we were on a break for a few months with a friend of his who i really don't like. He said his friend was encouraging him to hook up but he wasn't ready after me. We got together again and I asked him about the last STD test he got and he told me and I realised it was a few days after he got back from Bali. He said he was due for one. Is this cause for concern? I don't want to bring it up in case I'm overreacting.

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Don't worry about what he did in Bali, you weren't partners at the time. As long as he got the all clear just be glad, because Bali is a cesspit of booze, drugs, sex, and God know what else, and both guys and girls behave like stray dogs when they're there. Think of it this way, he didn't meet anyone special while he was there, because he's now with you again and that's what matters.

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Consider incubation time. A test a few days after exposure to an STD will not detect said STD. So, use condoms until a 2nd test panel comes up clean.

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He's done something with someone while you were on that break.


On the one hand he shouldn't lie about it. But you were on a break, so it isn't really your business anyway as long as he's getting tested.

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If you had been on a girl's trip away and had had an STD test as soon as you got home, do you really think he would buy the "Oh I was due one" line.

NO, of course not.


HIV is rife amongst the sex workers of Bali (25% reported affected), so make sure you protect yourself here.


https://thewest.com.au/news/holiday-sex-with-hiv-hookers-ng-ya-124287 - interesting reading.

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Although he didn't technically cheat on you because you were broken up at the time, that STD test should tell you that he was with somebody else & that person was high risk. If you haven't been using condoms since he got back get yourself tested immediately. Then use condoms until he gets back a test with a clean bill of health 6 months after the first test & you do too.

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Just be glad he got tested. You were broken up at the time, so he was free to do whatever he wanted, and I'm sure he did if it was possible.

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