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Ex-roomie with New ex-boyfriend!!

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Okay I was seeing this guy for about 4 months and he never did anything for me. He didn't support me at all. He didn't even attend my college graduation, graduation party, or show any interest in my professional goals. He got to the point of never doing anything I wanted to do while I would do pretty much anything he asked in support of me.


Then there was my roomate. My roomate who didn't like me very much and who repeatedly called me names and treated me as though I was an idiot. Another roomate of mine told me that this girl was jealous of me. She said that my guy wasn't her type and yet she persued him later. She flirted with this guy with and I told him and all he did was defend her. I complained to him about how she treated me the entire time we were together.


Then over text message he basically broke up with me. He did an about face. 2 weeks later my then former roomie told me that they had been hanging out for " a couple of weeks" and liked each other. AAAHHH!!!


They really have nothing in common and I know she manipulated her self into the situation. She got a friend of hers to get my ex to hang with her friend. Now my ex claims ( and I believe that he truly thinks this) that it was a coincidence that my ex roomie showed up to hang out with him and the person who called him. He now tells me to let it go and although he told me he loved me that he was never "in love" with me.


I wrote her an e-mail and he responded to it defending my ex-roomie and threatening me and telling me to get over it. This was only a day after I found out. My ex-roomie told me the news with a smirk on her face and then she just left me sitting there.


I don't know what to do or to say? I think I've written enough to him though. How do I move on? I'm still so angry! This just happened a week ago. Help!

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whhat a biarch!


the dude sound slike a smug wanker as well.


find better people to hang with :)

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