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Thought it was time for an update.


It's been about 3 weeks since my last post. Things at work have gotten extremely busy for both of us. With this being the case we've spoken very little in that time. Who knows if what his wife's reaction was had anything to do with it or if it's just the fact we are really busy. In my mind it doesn't really matter.


The times we have talked were a bit different on his end I suppose. Every conversation now is work related and very brief. I'm good with that.


Like I stated earlier, I work with many people all over the country. Some I have formed friendships with, others I have not. Some I talk to more when we are not busy and have limited contact with when we are busy. In the grand scheme of things I never viewed my end to be inappropriate. I can't say what his thoughts may have been as we never discussed anything in that regard. Also, not sure if he made a conscious decision to back away because he was feeling something or not. I would hope we are still friends and will be able to maintain that if that is all it was on his end (it was on mine). If not, then good for him for realizing he was interested in something more and backing away.


I do not feel a sense of loss or that anything is amiss since the change. I believe if deeper feelings were a part of it I would feel the need to grieve on some level. That hasn't happened on my end. We will remain coworkers...the friendship side is up to him.


Hi Wonderling. Here is my take. You appear to have liked this guy enough, lord knows we women like our male friends. We can have a dozen. But the guy - men do not text women like that unless they want something and since you are both married, it is not something good.


You are not friends but don't feel bad about it. Feel good that you were smart and got away.


To let you and the lurkers know that this crap happens all the time, about 6 months ago I had a woman PM me and basically accuse me of being inappropriate with her husband and say I was after him. I would not lie to LoveShack here, I honestly had zero interest. He was the same profession as me so we did chat here and there and I referred him work and he paid me a 33% commission. He was not good at sales.


Now this guy had told me he was separated and living in separate bedrooms - I honestly did not care as it was a business thing but obviously something was off. But so that night when she went off at me - I had my husband call her - and the guy - my husband saw the communication (know that this was horrible for me given the reason I am here on LS) and neither the wife nor the husband would call my husband back. I told both that all business was off, I defriended the guy. He did PM me and I said, just call my husband back but he wouldn't.


I really don't believe he liked me - honestly. But his wife was on the hunt for some woman. I think she was surprised and felt stupid. Both my husband and I called her about 20 times. I was LIVID at the attack. I gave this POS business and MONEY. And I get repaid with accusations.


My point is - you can't trust men telling you their life story or their problems. And you are better off.

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