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Will you marry me??? Who asks that?

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I'll try to summarize everything that's led up to this...


Me: 21/f

would-be junior in college, taking some time off to explorer the real world until January

last long term relationship was long distance and lasted 6ish months

staying in the city for at least another 2 years then law school

don't like to do long-distance

used/still have a huge crush on him kinda


Him: 22/m "M"

graduating senior by December

going into 4 year officer program in Ohio or something for a masters in electrical engineering

got out of a long term relationship 4 months ago

doesn't mind long-distance

moving across the street this week



past physical relationship (more then a year ago), now good friends

live in the same "dorm/apt" as next door neighbors

never officially dated, but hangout all the time with friends or alone

have same interest and get along well

can talk to each other about anything



"M"'s mom visited for the weekend (we ended up getting along really well) and on her last night here we all had a cook-out on the roof-deck of his new place with his house-mates. After the BBQ we separated. "M" went to the bars I went to hangout with other friends in the house we live in. Around 1 am I give him a call to see what he's up to since I'm still up and bored. He tells me he's on his way back and will call when he gets there. When he calls my friend decides she wants to get cigs before she heads to bed so i walk to the store with her and he's waiting for me on the steps of his new house. I walk her back in to make sure she's fine for the night then head back over to met up with him. We go inside and he tells me that two of his house-mates are fighting downstairs like usual so he's waiting for one of them and talking on his phone. He ends up giving me the phone cause he has to go to the bathroom and it's his bestfriend from home. So I talk to this dude and tell him I live next door to "M". He then says "oh so you're the girl he was talking about!", but doesn't go into anymore detail. He then comes back and talks for a minute and says good-bye to his friend. So we're just siting there waiting for out other friend to call when his girlfriend goes to sleep and we start talking. Just about the night and jokes and stuff. he then gets serious and says that we should get married. I give him the normal "you're out of your mind" look and reply with a joke. He then tells me he's being serious and he doesn't mean right now since we're both going different places, but in the future. He says that he'll wait til i'm done with law school which should be around the age of 28 so he'll be 30 and a few years out of the air force program thing. So I say sure whatever thinking he's just drunk and lonely. Later that day he start asks me what year I was born in and realizes that he's only about 1yr and 3 months older then me so it's not actually a big deal which he thinks is even better and that means we could have a spring wedding.


So I told my friend what happened and he thinks that he got his way since his mom was here and probably gave him the seal of approval. he also said that by him letting me talk to his best friend from home it shows that he's starting to get a crush on me.


I'm just frazzled by the whole situation in general and have no idea what to think. Does anyone have any thoughts on this situation? Or questions in case I wasn't too clear.

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Thats really interesting. If you think that's a posibility then well I would go for it. If you get along with him that good Then do it.


<a href=http://www.worldwideelf.com/>mike</a>

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