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One night stand is calling me


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Honestly, it was nice at first. Everyone likes attention. But this is getting creepy. I would not have minded an occasional phone call to say "How are you doing" or even a "thank you" phone call. But I have enough drama in my life without a phone call about how deeply in love he is with me after knowing me for three days. I have low self-esteem for the most part so I do worry about hurting people's feelings. But I need to let this guy go and just not call. I wanted to be nice about it but even doing that is not an option.

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Originally posted by blackendangel13

Honestly, it was nice at first. Everyone likes attention. But this is getting creepy. I would not have minded an occasional phone call to say "How are you doing" or even a "thank you" phone call. But I have enough drama in my life without a phone call about how deeply in love he is with me after knowing me for three days. I have low self-esteem for the most part so I do worry about hurting people's feelings. But I need to let this guy go and just not call. I wanted to be nice about it but even doing that is not an option.


If you are calling him, then stop. If he is calling you, do not pick up. Eventually, he will move on. If not, then he does have some problems because you guys live too far apart to carry on with something like this.

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I have never called him. He wants me to. Day one of him waiting for me to call was yesterday. Did not call. I found out from my friend that he actually lives about 6 hours from me!! Shouldn't be too hard to give him the boot.

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