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is this true?

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My guy friend was telling me that if a girl is good looking but acts like a wild child he wouldn't consider her as date material, he said he just probably be acquantaince if they study in the same classroom. He also mentioned that some guys wouln't care and they would go after her even if she sleeps around with more than 3 guys. Is this true? can it be possible for a guy to stay away from a girl he considers cute and be acquantience with her but not wanting to date her?

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Miss Mojo

hi candy,


there are guys out there who *definitely* would stay away from a girl if she tarted around, but was good looking. why? because they basically want a girl with a bit of self-respect. these kind of guys are the ones you want to nab, because they are not shallow and they can see past looks, and more than likely, are not after 'just sex'.


on the other hand, some guys would definitely date a girl just because she is attractive, even if she did sleep with every tom, dick and harry in the school. why? because they probably want just one thing, and will brag about it to their mates later. of course, each to their own....hopefully no one gets hurt in the process.


i bet the same would apply for you - if you were to meet a really, spunky babe of a guy, but he'd slept with half the grade already, you probably wouldn't want more than a friendship with him, unless you were fine about casual sex.


...it still kind of spins me out that some high school kids these days leave school having already slept with 3 people. whoah!!! but i guess it is a time for self-discovery for some.

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