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To : Laurynn

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I read your post about you ex and alcohol. I was very moved, i don't know if you read my post but i also aked if it was normal that my boyfriend was in the army and used to drink about a 6 pack of beer a month. At least that's what he said. The other day i found a bottle of bacardi and he said that he had there to drink once in awhile. Well, i guess he likes alcohol but i don't know to what extent because one day we went out with friends and he had 4 different drinks, he didn't look drunk but i thought he had a lot but he's a big guy so i guess he can tolerate that. I'm afraid that if we married he'll drink more or change his behavior because he's a nice guy with values and don't like the whole club scene. I've known him for quite a while and he's not night club man. How can i differentiate a problem before it gets bad? please advice me.

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I'm very sure Laurynn will be able to help you with all your problems. But it is my speculation that she will be most concerned about why one person, posing as five different people, would post five problems with just a few minutes and write them all in generally the same style.


I am also going to speculate that Laurynn, who is extremely brilliant when it comes to hypertext marker language and universal routing protocol, will wonder if you are one person with five personalities, five people who manufactured five fictional different problems and who use the same computer, if you are one person making up five problems and using the same computer, or five people who have five real problems...again, using the same computer.


But I promise you, Laurynn will crack this one. Just in case, an explanation of why so many problems were posted from the same computer in such a short span of time might be a good idea. If the explanation is good enough, I may try to post some answers to them myself.


This sort of thing never bothered me before but for this to happen now, with no good explanation, bothers me more than any problem could possibly affect me.


You have obviously not ever witnessed how Laurynn deals with people who try to put things past her.

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Just wanted to say that Laurynn will be impressed that Katie offered some advice from your computer before five other people posted problems. Or, maybe she will wonder if Katie is a sixth personality.


I promise you, she will clear this up.

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Miss Mojo

...i feel like a real twat now for answering nearly all of those posts.....i wondered why no-one had responded and now i know! hehe....*view source, miss mojo*!


i wouldn't be surprised if m.a.c.k. (mellissa, annika, candy, katie) genuinely has these things on her mind, and is rather naive and insecure in relationships...although posting as a foreign exchange student is a bit of a cack!

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Miss Mojo

....i neglected to mention 'shorty' in my post.

...i feel like a real twat now for answering nearly all of those posts.....i wondered why no-one had responded and now i know! hehe....*view source, miss mojo*! i wouldn't be surprised if m.a.c.k. (mellissa, annika, candy, katie) genuinely has these things on her mind, and is rather naive and insecure in relationships...although posting as a foreign exchange student is a bit of a cack!
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