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Having a rough morning


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Woke up feeling good. Then it quickly spiraled as he texted me to tie up some strings that are still lingering.. I haven't texted back but know I need to. As it is regarding documents to sell our house... it seems like the final step to the end. I don't want to feel this way. I am trying to release that false hope but it's just so hard.

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As painful as it is, tie up those loose strings as quickly as possible. The sooner the book is closed, the faster you can really move on.


It's so painful to move forward from a deep love. I completely understand that. You need to shift your thinking now from what you two used to have, from him, to you. What is good for you? What do YOU need to be comfortable and happy moving forward? Think about you in this time, not him or your relationship.

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Believe it or not, once those ties are cut, you will feel some relief and closure. And then you can move on. Change is usually good.

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