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Do men typically fantasize about people in real life?

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While imagining that are you are having sex with someone does not mean that you would actually have sex with them, damn, you're what, one step away?


That's my problem with masturbation in a relationship anyway.


Oh, it's harmless...its just a celebrity or porn star...


Oh, it's harmless, she lives two states away...


Oh, it's harmless, she's little Johnny's teacher...



Oh ****...he's/ she's having an affair...


Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see why sexually compatibility and satisfaction is important in a relationship. and no amount of calling something normal makes it so.

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Something is lacking somewhere. Either emotional, physical, or mental attention.


My past relationship, we had sex almost every physical encounter. Just not around that time of month, we still hard core made out though. If we met 7 days a week, we had sex at least once each day.


My current relationship is not like that. It's been 4 or 5 days now without sex or me "spanking it" i don't feel the need or urge because i understand how we are with each other and i am satisfied with her emotionally and mentally.


As far as spanking it to people in real life that we know. For me it's much more exciting from a "real" experience than something made up. In a relationship though, i don't think that's right unless of course it's your partner. To be honest, unless it's agreed upon or talked about i don't think people in a relationship should be spanking it to porn or anything other than the partner. If just watching that's different.....

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What I think is that he is too focused on porn and photos to be a good partner. It's too big of a deal to him. That's unbalanced. I have no problem with guys masturbating. I think that's fine. But I don't see why they have to have porn to do it. It makes me wonder if they just have no imagination whatever or what's wrong with them.


wait, you're weirded out by people needing porn to masturbate??


I can promise that I have plenty of imagination and I don't think there's anything horribly wrong with me. (Also, not a guy.)


doing it to people you actually know, though, is a different issue...

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I can't help but feel weird about his searches now and I need some advice. He basically maintained that "All guys look up women, even ones they know in real life."



I need some feedback, is this true? Should I not feel like this is creepy? Do guys really social media creep/jerk off to girls they know in real life? Am I overreacting about the girls being people that he knows?


He's made it way worse for himself with his (incorrect) claim that "all guys" do what he did. All guys definitely DON'T do that. Sure just looking up women (people lol) on fb is one thing, but doing it for jerk-off material is completely different.


I don't think you're overreacting at all. I'd be livid if my boyfriend were jerking off to pictures of women he knows irl.

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