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Wondering what the Ex is thinking....

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I'm just a little confused about what my Ex is thinking lately.....

He broke up with me in March after we dated for 4 and a half years. We both had things to work on....I was very insecure and he just didn't know if we'd be able to make things work. We had a lot of the same little issues come up over and over and that got to be draining. We have kept in touch via email for the most part since then, and in a couple moments of weakness, I did ask if he would be willing to try again. Both times though, he said that he wasn't ready and that he didn't want to go through breaking up with me all over again. I swore to myself that I wouldn't ask again, and I haven't. Our emails are generally just what we've been up to and all...nothing serious or relationship related.

Last weekend though, I went out of town by myself, met some people and had a good time. When I emailed my ex and told him about it, he said that he got a bit jealous because he figured that the people I met were guys, and that he realized that he had no right to be at all weird about it, but he still felt jealous. He called me the next evening because he had been "reading into my email" and thought that I had done something with someone new while I was away, and that he thought it would be better if he just knew about it. (I haven't done anything with anyone since we broke up). He asked if he was right with his theory and sounded quite relieved when I said no. We had a good conversation on the phone (the first one since the break up) and he gave me his phone number (he moved recently) and said that we would talk again. He wants me to come and see his new apartment too, and is even talking about taking a day off of work so that we can spend the day together. He came on messenger this morning just to talk for a few minutes before he went to work (another first since March).

Now, what I'm wondering is.....what is he thinking?

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country gal

fly might be right. it also might be a territory thing (still wanting to feel you are "his"). it could also be true interest in getting back together but the lack of initiative there makes me question whether he is just taking advantage of your availability. really, only you know.

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