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When they go out of their way to hurt you...

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When someone goes out of their way to make you jealous, what are some good responses to this?

Should I ignore it? hit him back with the same sh*% he is doing to me?

Anyone with advice good/bad, I am ready to listen and put into effect any advice offered.

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If you're in a relationship with him, you should explain that you feel jealous or insecure when he does x, y or z. According to his reaction, you can judge how comfortable you feel staying in the relationship - he should at the very least take your feelings into account.

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What if your not in a relationship and he is doing it after the fact? Let's just say we were in one a long time ago and some sh&* has since happened, he should be gone out of my life, but he's not, I am implementing as much NC as I can, but he is still getting jealous of what I am NOT doing... meaning he get's jealous for no reason, if we're not together it shouldn't matter who I am talking to or what I am doing... and he does little stupid things to try and make me jealous. So not in a relationship, talking to him and telling him how I feel IMO will just give him the power he is looking for...

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I guess cause it still hurts, and I feel like being a little immature to show him I will win his stupid game.

I know it sounds silly, but I am all about retribution. Since karma is taking it's sweet a$$ time, I want to speed it up a little. :D

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Originally posted by scared*shy

I guess cause it still hurts, and I feel like being a little immature to show him I will win his stupid game.


I understand it still hurting. Just playing his little game would make you a bit of a loser IMO. He's already a loser - why join him?


Find ways to rise above it. Just carry on with your life. If he behaves badly, count to 10, calm yourself then tell him in the politest possible way to behave a bit more maturely. Do it with the "it's for your own good" tone.

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