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How to win him back???


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Guys...How to girls, ex's etc go about winning you heart back if there are still some feelings there. How do you get it to the next level again...If it has been a while? Would love some feedback on this one. Thanks!!

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If there are still feeling there, you two need to go out somewhere casually at first, see if there is that spark and excitement you felt when you were first with them.


I think you will know after you see them if there is still that connection and for me it would be quite easy for a girl to win me back if i still felt the same and she asked me and told me how she was feleing. Which is sometimes tough, but necessary

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You may have a chance to get him back but the original question should be........what were the issues that broke you up to begin with?? Trust me, if they aren't addressed, then they will come back and bite you in the butt. Better to address them, have the conversation and see if you can resolve them. There was something that broke you up initally....fix that and you may have a good shot!

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