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My Problem

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This isnt really a love question but I need some advice. I went to a party last night with some co-workers and friends. Im very quiet at work so alot of these people dont know anything about me except that im quiet. We were of course drinking and I was with some of my friends that I do know well, the thing is every time I hang out with them we usually drink. I did talk alot more than expected last night and now I feel like they all will think I am a total drunk or something and thats the only time I talk. And to make it worse I fell back in my chair when I was goofing around so that makes me look like I was totally drunk, although I wasnt. I know this probably sounds really dumb but it bothers me to have people think that. I probably shouldnt be stressing over it but it really bugs me for some reason. They were even telling a story about some other co-worker who fell in her chair last year and split her ear open and thats why they didnt invite her this year because she was out of control and drunk. Now I guess im worried thats what i look like. Am I just totally blowing this out of proportion?

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