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old flame still burning

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Hi there,


I was seeing this guy for a while and we sorta just drifted apart. One of those things when you slowly stop calling, stop emailing. I recently saw him again at a social and he looked so good. So, I decided to start by emailing him to see if I'd get a response. He emailed me back and we've been communicating this way for the past few weeks. I would like to try at seeing eachother again simply because I've always found him quite attractive and we got along well. Although I'm comfortable emailing him, I'm too chicken to ask him out because I'm afraid he'll say he's not interested. Is there a way I can get his attention? Should I be flirty with my emails? I just need a little guidance to head me in the right direction. Thanx!

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Just casually suggest in your e-mails that the two of you meet up at some point soon, and see if he agrees. Then go from there. Also, mention things like your phone #, etc, and suggest that it's been a while since you've talked to him, and that he should give you a call.



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