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I got some sort of response out of him

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I wanted to check back here, since I got some awsome advice from many of you. My friend and I...well i have posted about the problems we've had...the falling out, and well I was a horrible person to him, and I worked up the courage to call him tonight. We agreed to do something... because I asked him "Please can I prove it to you?" yea, it wasn't anything I was expecting, but he wants me to sign onto a game he plays, under an alias. (He is a gamer, and I just have to deal with it...but then again, I think games are ok.). He told me he didn't really want to know it was me, and we'd both be under names we wouldn't suspect of each other.


I shouldn't hang on to any hope though....since my trip to Arizona is soon, I'll try this "Act like a stranger" thing when I get back. (have to ask his friends the whereabouts) I am SO surprised he's letting us do this, because he's very stubborn.


Would there be any advice you guys (or girls) can give me? I would love it if i could be a better person....don't want to make the same mistake twice. I really care for this man. Other women he is friends with, are about ten or twenty years older than me, so it's very hard to feel fitted in (just got out of highschool). I feel so incompetent around them.

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Hi Waka!


I think you shouldn't get your hopes up too much - there's a world of difference between anonymous online gaming buddy and girlfriend.


Plus, I think what you said about feeling incompetent and wanting to be a better person is really sweet, and I think it's great that you want to improve, but my impression is that he needs to work more on this relationship too.


If I were you, I'd try for something more than gaming buddy, or go back to NC.

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