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why is he cheating on me?

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I'm very sad now because I have just recently found out that my boyfriend of 4 years has been cheating on me with my friend. Everyone tells me to forget him and move on but this is just so hard to do.

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Yes, it is hard to do. But there can never be any trust here. There should not be any contact. Some affairs are forgiveable. One with your friend is not. It will take you some time but eventually you will become very angry and forgetting him won't even be a question for you.


The worst thing you can do is think of this constantly and wonder what you could have done to have prevented it. And there is an answer...having gotten a different boyfriend to begin with.


At this point, there is no justification for you pouring time and energy into giving thought or consideration to your ex.

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I'm very sad now because I have just recently found out that my boyfriend of 4 years has been cheating on me with my friend. Everyone tells me to forget him and move on but this is just so hard to do.

Hi Summer,I feel for you girl,the same thing happened to me with my boyfriend.I methim through my best friend TeresaI'd like to give her full name and address too, the bitch!!!!!but I won't.He liked her before he liked me and she could'nt stand it so she made sure she slept with him first.Not only did she totally ruin a 10 year friendship but she caused me to not trust him from the very beginning trust me when I tell you, no matter how much you care about him you will hate her forever and you will never get past itTony's right find another boyfriend if he will sleep with your best friend he will screw around all the time and take it from me it doesn't get better with time. Good luck to you!!I feel for you I know what your going through. D.J.

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I'm very sad now because I have just recently found out that my boyfriend of 4 years has been cheating on me with my friend. Everyone tells me to forget him and move on but this is just so hard to do.





How about showing up somewhere, where you know they both will be with say someone that you know your friend would like to go out with or someone that you know your ex b/f would get very jealous over. Call up the potential date and ask for his help, tell him the situation and what has been done to you and by who and just simply ask if they would help you. Don't make a scene! Even if you think that "they" are not looking or paying attention trust me they know you are there and who you are with.



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