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how to recruit my friend

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I'm trying to convince a friend that she and I could make a go of things. I've been saying that we're comfy enough that we could easily recover if things don't workout in that area.


We spent one drunken nite together (we're not drinkers really, and it showed) a little fun but probably a mistake.


I feel the fact of our drunken romp is also a selling point...like it or not we did it once.


A word on the term "selling" it's too commercial, it's just my way of trying to say "convince her of the fun we could have"


So what do you think of my selling so far?

Suggestions on other selling points?

How long should I pursue this? She seems undecided (thats better than NO)


What would your (ladies) fears about getting together with a friend be?


Thanks Kindly!

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The event of banging a friend can be great or creepy as all hell.


Once a lady puts you in the "friend" catagory, she'll be hard pressed to ever let you out.

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Originally posted by clynn



they help everything.

Actually that is not such a bad suggestion. Flowers alone will be not enough but the idea that they present is not too bad. If your friend would be interested in you and is only hesitating at the moment if you started making some romantic moves and show her what an affectionate caring boyfriend (not only friend) you could be she might give in. That is when she has not put you in the friends category yet as another poster hinted. My guess is that if a women considers sleeping with you or has done already you're not completely in the friends category and your chances are not that bad, what you have to do now is to find out where the right buttons are that you need to push.


Hm, as a sidenote, I actually tend to believe that everybody has somehow a chance to make his way into someone's heart, even if she only considers you a friend you still might change the situation but only if you know what your love interest really wants, if you absolutely understand her most important needs. I also don't believe that any of my friends will ever make the changes necessary to make me reconsider my feelings for them. A lot of things are possible, it's just not very likely that they will happen, people end in the friends category because the possibility that changes - and not only changes, but the right ones - will occur is small.

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