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GIGS Cheater Dumper Breadcrumbing, why?

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We've been separated since February. I changed my number bec i was friendzoned but left my email open for him. Last month he started emailing me. first it was tentative but when i started responding (indifferently) he became more confident and his emails bec more affectionate like the we are still together and the cheating didnt happen (downplaying). i replied that he had made his choice and thus he should not email me like that again. He went quiet for a week and this month he emailed me lots of breadcrumbs which i didnt respond to anymore since i know that he and the OW are still together. Even if i didnt reply anymore his breadcrumb emails still persisted. Why is that?

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He is one of those guys who likes to juggle more than one woman. His goal isn't to just fine one woman. He's thinking you may be tolerant because you're even talking to him at all.

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Block him. Have his email go to a junk folder; anything. Don't engage the twit.

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