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What's the best self-development book/podcast etc?

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I've become really interested in self-development over the past year. I grew up without a mum (passed away when i was a baby), raised by my grandparents and my dad, but had a very difficult relationship with my dad who was extremely controlling, critical and hard on me.


In most of my relationships i have been drawn to men who need fixing, and who are often emotionally distant just like my dad was. I suffer from self-abandonment issues, low self-esteem and have finally come to realize now in my 30's that I never fully learned to love myself. Even when I've been single, I have always desperately tried to fill my time with activities, friends and socialising, to avoid spending too much time alone at home on my own, as I have trouble being alone with my own thoughts and emotions.


I want to change all that and break away from these bad habits and patterns for good. I want to be confident, love myself, know my worth and not settle for less than I deserve. I want to end the anxiety, the worry and the overthinking and over-analyzing and just trust life, myself, and the timing of things.


If you have experienced any of the above, what helped you change and grow as a person? Any books/podcasts/daily practices that you swear by? I would love to be a mother one day but I feel like I have to work on all of these internal issues/wounds first and become a more confident version of myself.

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The Voice of Knowledge by Don Miguel Ruiz is a good read. Also any lecture by Alan Watts.

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It sounds like based on your description - positive affirmations would be the first stop. Breaking the habit of negative self talk is done by replacing it with a positive habit of self talk. For this reason I would recommend:


Louise Hay -


Abraham hicks - Law of Attraction


Lots of books and audio available from both. Then other motivational speakers I like are Les Brown and Eric Thomas. More energized and powerful

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