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Interracial relationships

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Here is a question for all of you out there.


How many of you would date someone not your own race?


I'm a young professional living in Texas and I find it difficult to fit in, particularly when it comes to dating. I'm Asian, Chinese to be specific. I'm open to dating people outside of my own race and I have done that in the past. I consider myself an open minded person and I don't want to limit myself to only women of my own race.


I have lived in the U.S. all my life and with the exceptions of my ethnic background, I'm really no difference than many others. When it comes to dating and relationships, I don't do any differently than others.


I often contemplate not even consider someone outside of my own race because I have gotten so tired of being treated poorly by some women. But I've never acted on that because doing so would be no difference than what these people are doing to me.


What do you all think? Would you seriously date or marry someone not your own race?

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YOU ASK: "Would you seriously date or marry someone not your own race?"


It's done every day. Asians marry Caucasians, Hispanics, Latin Americans, etc. every day.


You must be living way way in the past. Just look around. There are mixed couples everywhere, dating or married, and having lots of fun.


Relax, chill and just enjoy yourself with whomever turns you on.

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Miss Mojo

hi bongo,


i would definitely date outside of my race. i would date whoever i felt very attracted to (provided the feeling was mutual of course! :) ).


i have a close friend and the majority of guys she has dated have been of asian decent or dark skinned (south african etc). she is caucasian, but not particularly attracted to caucasian men herself. she's had some really good relationships, and no one has ever batted an eyelid.


interracial relationships are very, very common today. we live in an ever increasing multicultural society, which is great and it's only natural to be attracted to people outside of your race. personally, i have a thing for foreign guys. i don't know why, i just do.


all i have to say is if you meet someone you are attracted to, and they are attracted to you to, go for it and ignore the people whose minds are stuck in a time warp. thankfully, the majority of people out there wouldn't be fussed in the slightest, and why should they? enjoy the company of you whoever you please and don't settle for anything less than the best!

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