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I could use your opinion

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Happy Noodle Boy

Alright, well I thought I could be all cool and calm about my situation right now but some stuff has been buggin me a bit.....just a little. SO, I could use a second....four...tenth oppinion on this before I start punching little kids.


So Here it goes:


About three and half months ago I met the most amazing girl. Everything I've been looking for, everything I've wanted all nicely wrapped up into one person. The first two weeks after we met were unbelieveable. It felt like we had already known eachother for months. We both were falling for eachother but the only thing that kept us from really getting carried away was the fact that we had known eachother for such little time. Things progressed to the point where she told me despite how she feels about me she just dosen't want another relationship at this point in time and that a friendship would be the best direction to go. At which I completely agree on, we need to build some history but the problem is dealing with the way I feel about her. She lives three hours away from me, we don't see eachother as often as we should and I'm afraid she's going to forget about me. Her last relationship lasted for years, which ended around the same time we met. She's enjoying that post break up freedom where you don't have to worry about anything or anyone but yourself, which is cool I've been there before too. I don't think I'll ever meet someone like her again so I wig out when I think about "WHat IF" it dosen't work out....what IF she meets some other guy..... WHAt IF her emotions change. How long should I wait till I bring up the idea again of us being together? How can I make her realize that I would do anything for her and the she's the only person I want? Oh and most important How do I deal with being three hours away and having so much out of my control?


Help!! Or I'll have to find a tall bridge


spell check was taking forever to come up so sorry I said **** IT you get the idea. lol

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How is she responding to you?


Does she initiate contact?


How often do you see each other?


When you're out do you kiss, hold hands etc.?


How did you first initiate your feelings for her in the first converstion and how did she react?


Answer these questions and I'll try to offer sound advice.

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Happy Noodle Boy

1. She's been responding a little weird lately. Its just not as "sweet" anymore but I guess that's cuz we're taking the friendship road.


2. She iniates contact sometimes but its cuz I'm usually the one calling. Once in a while she'll talk about stuff to do for the next time we see eachother so I guess that good....at least.


3. Once a month. sux!


4. When we're out we kiss but don't hold hands. When we're not out its like two magnets at opposite ends. I don't know how its gonna be like next time I see her though.


5. I told her that she's everything I've been looking for and that I may be falling in love. She said she was glad to hear that because she was falling for me as well.

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Hey there noodel boy!


This reply may take a while to find you because I'm not registered.


If you are taking the friendship route... then be her friend ONLY. Imagine that she's just one of the guys... treat her as you would any one of your guy friends... She initiated that she was not ready... so move on - or play like you've moved on... be her friend and give her what she wants... it's safe to say she won't like it and will ask for more.


Perhaps you should back off a little bit. Let her initiate contact. I don't say this to play games... just check her interest level by seeing how long she can go without being in touch with you. Also note how long you can go before you feel you absolutely MUST call her... if she's not called by then it's not a great sign.


If you see each other once a month how often do you talk? Do you guys e-mail? Yeah once a month does suck! Why has it been limited to once a month? What's wrong with weekends? I just ask becuase chances are it's her that's too busy... am I right?


I'm not trying to be an ass - I'm in a very similar boat and I'm coming to terms with reality... I think I like him more than he likes me and it sux!


That's strange that you kiss in public, but not in private. How long had you known her before you voiced your feelings? She very well may just be scared of getting hurt?


Have you guys already done the deed?

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