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Please help me, Please!

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I am hoping that someone can help me with my situation.


I work with a girl who is three years younger than me, and is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, I can’t get her out of my head and it is effecting my concentration.


What makes her even more special is that she is a really cool girl; her personality is equal to her beauty.


We get on great, we have a laugh and without fail each shift we get told to get back to our work.


I think she likes me, and I’m hoping she likes me that way. Is there a way to notice if she is giving me any signals saying she feels the same way?


I have a female cousin who we work with, who I could ask for her to test the water, to see if she would be interested without directly being informed that I like her.


As I work with her, I would like to be as certain as possible that she also likes me that way. Because if I do ask her out, it could ruin our working relationship; also effect my work life as although I can handle rejection, my work colleagues constantly reminding me and taking the piss out of me would possibly eventually force me to leave if it became unbearable.


What do you think I should do? In your opinion what would be the best thing to do?


Thank you for your time,


Best Wishes,




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Why dont you invite her out to lunch with a bunch of people. Its casual and you can learn alot about what she thinks of you from the interaction. For example, if you, some female/male friends and her go to some sandwich shop, does she make a point to stand next to you, is she AS friendly with you as she is with other guys... YOu need to look for this. She might jsut be a bubbly outgoing girl. Dont blurt out how much you like her now matter what. Men need to be in control of themselves. Men need to be calm in all situations. A guy who is not in control of his emotions when just getting to know a girl is not gonna be attractive and will come off a desperate. You have to do the dance if she's into you. SMouldering and slow, let tension build with innuendo over time which may take a while since this is the workplace. Just my humble opinion, hope it helps a lil bit.

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