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Sometimes I just don't want to live

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Good morning!


I hope you are filled with peace today as I know you will be worshipping.


Still thinking of you and lifting you up.


Me too AileD! :love:




Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Ditto, Ditto, Ditto,


Live is worth living, and you are worth it.

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And the kids again. I am losing it. Sometimes I think it would just be easier to be gone then to have to go though all of this. Either way--divorce or together-- is a hell I just can't imagine and am too tired to do again.



On the above (quoted) - you may have to accept that this is how it's going to be. You want your M to work, and are investing all you have to make it so. Your H clearly isn't. Maybe he can't, maybe he doesn't want to, but it doesn't really matter which. He result is the same. You cannot love him into being a better H. He has to find that within himself. You cannot change him, or how he behaves. Or, how his OW behaves. However hard you love him, however hard you try - you just can't do this on your own.


If this is as good as it will ever get, are you still willing to stick with it? Are you willing to show your kids that love is this - one parent who burns themselves out so that the other has a soft landing while carrying on PAs and EAs on the side? Or would you hope the model for love your kids had was two people both working at a partnership, neither taking the other for granted, both equally committed to the M? Is this the kind of M you would want your kids to have one day? Is this really all you think you are worth?

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Reviewed, if the OP wants the thread re-opened, please send an alert to moderation.


I will leave one moderation note for some members posting on this thread, members posting from the OW/OM forum to the Infidelity forum and vice versa (in an attempt to push their own agendas) will be treated equally. ~ V

Edited by Robert
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