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Girlfriend engaged in dirty conversations to another guy..

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At your ages why not just casually date? If you aren't exclusive, it's moot.


The human brain finishes developing at approximately age 25. Before that age we make decisions primarily using the amagdala, the emotional section. After about age 25, our brain has finished wiring connections to the prefrontal cortex and we begin making decisions from there, the logical section.


You literally make decisions differently now than you will in a year or few. Relax. Enjoy this time of your life. Don't get too serious about anyone for a while.

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You're too young to be stressing yourself with her.


So many decent girls and you are with her. She's still young, she wants to be free to get it on with other men.


Just end it. No kids, no assets, nothing more than a relationship... Why proceed any further.

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What SandyLee said....


The operative word here is "girlfriend", not "wife".


Dump her and never look back. She's a natural-born cheat and cheaters who start this young rarely change.

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