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Should I hint to him.?

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My boyfriend and I (of 4years & a 2yr old) are going to his younger sisters wedding at the end of May. I keep waiting for him to bring something up about us getting married but nothing has yet. Should I hint to him about my feelings of getting married? And if so how would I do that. I figured this occasion would be a great time, being it's a wedding and all. He's been married once before way before me so I don't want to pressure him. What do you all think and any ideas of hinting around? Thanks for your time.

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After 4 years of being with this guy, you should know EXACTLY where you and him stand on the topic of marriage.


"I keep waiting for him to bring something up about us getting married but nothing has yet."


Don't keep waiting for him to bring it up. What's making you wait around instead of talking about it yourself?


I understand that you don't want to pressure him, but hey....4 years! That's 4 years of YOUR life too, not just his. Think about yourself too.


"Should I hint to him about my feelings of getting married?"


No, don't hint. Ask him directly, be very clear and straight-forward so that he gives you a clear response in return. Tell him how you feel about marriage, about the two of you and what you would like in the near future. After 4 years though, I would think that both partners would know the other inside out.

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