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What's up with young girls?

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most people, both men and women, under the age of 30 have not "found" themselves yet and can be fairly immature. people get better as they age but they also get more complex and have more baggage.

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Originally posted by alphamale

most people, both men and women, under the age of 30 have not "found" themselves yet and can be fairly immature. people get better as they age but they also get more complex and have more baggage.


It's true. People get better with age, just like wine... ;) Between life experiences, confidence, knowing what one likes and dislikes. Growing up and learning more about yourself, learning to be yourself and not care what others think. That happens in the 30's.



Originally posted by Outcast

Young girls might look 'hot' but it takes time to learn how to please a man and that's what makes a woman truly hot.

Agree with you too! What I knew in my teens and 20's isn't the same as I know now... :)


Men too. As they get older and wiser, the better they are in and out of bed. I love a man (my hubby) who knows what he is doing and how to get me there...

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Originally posted by Outcast

Young girls might look 'hot' but it takes time to learn how to please a man and that's what makes a woman truly hot.


Very true...

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This is all sooo true, or from what I've experienced anyways. They just want attention from someone new and different. They think if they are stuck with you they are missing out on better guys. It sucks.


When my ex broke up with me she said "I wish I didn't love you so much, you are so good to me" WTF IS THAT!? Those are perfect reasons NOT to break up with someone.


Then they run out and latch onto the first guy they meet that gives them attention. My ex dumped me, kept me around (sorta) for a few months, and as soon as she found a new guy 'her feelings about us changed' and she wants to 'date other people now' and 'she loves me as a person but doesn't want the relationship'. Her loss, I treated her like gold. I did everything girls SAY they want in a guy. I hope she looks back someday and realizes nobody will ever treat her as good or with as much respect as I did.


She'll learn her lesson someday.

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Originally posted by lostinmymind

She'll learn her lesson someday.

youth is truly wasted on the young...:)

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Originally posted by alphamale


youth is truly wasted on the young...:)



Unless you're Michael Jackson! :laugh: Couldn't resist...

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Originally posted by lostinmymind

Her loss, I treated her like gold. I did everything girls SAY they want in a guy.


Next time do the opposite. You'll get much further...

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Originally posted by westernxer

Next time do the opposite. You'll get much further...


Then at the same time, you won't be showing you care enough. Every girl wants something different then another girl, and every girl wants something different than what she 'says' she wants. Then on top of that what a girl wants 'changes' without warning. I think it's all just a bunch of bull****! Maybe I should just go for older girls, or just screw it all together and wait until they aren't so 'confused' and attention craving. :cool:

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Originally posted by lostinmymind

Maybe I should just go for older girls, or just screw it all together and wait until they aren't so 'confused' and attention craving. :cool:


Right on the Dot. Screw having any serious relations till you're 25+.

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That is true lost....I am going through that now....She just leaves but there were other issues with her thinking I

Did not want her around anymore or I changed....I did but that was because I had an anxiety disorder to deal with

and unfortunatly I took some of it out on her...I am better now and am changing and moving forward...


But she still wont talk to me about what went on and why I was the way I was...It has been 7 weeks and she was with the first guy who showed her attention and was nice...Within 2 weeks she was with him everyday hanging out..He is a real loser 25 yrs and a heroin addict trying to quit and now she feels good about herself that she is helping him to try and quit...


SHe is 22 yrs and I know she still loves me and cares but is probably confused by her emotions and does not want to let them back out to get hurt again...She still texts and calls me at least a couple times a week with mundane things about helping with her resume, typing her stories and poems out...Things she does not need me for she can have anyone else help her but she calls me...


Just figure she is confused and wants to keep contact but we never do anything together, she wont at least not now...So I will let time pass and see if she starts thinking a little more normal, in the meantime I am moving on with my life and I think she is going to start realizing this soon, let's see what her reaction to that is......

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Originally posted by lostinmymind

Then at the same time, you won't be showing you care enough.


Yeah, but a young girl will never leave you for this reason...


They never do.

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The best way to get a woman to stay is to show her that you woukld be fine without her. Once you you do well on your own you will attract them. Ny wife begs me to take her back after I became successful after our divorce. Well she should have thought of that before hand. I need to start dating older women. I feel like I am too mature for a 26 year old and I need a mature woman.

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Screw that I am done dating anyone for a long time....I have dated alot of women and this past one was my true love and it will take a long time to get over her and even then I will never totally get over her...


Had feelings I have never had for another person ever and I am in my 30's...


I am just going to stick to making money and taking care of myself...


You don't need to have love or someone in your life if you are focused on yourself...

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Originally posted by Juha

Screw that I am done dating anyone for a long time....I have dated alot of women and this past one was my true love and it will take a long time to get over her and even then I will never totally get over her...


Had feelings I have never had for another person ever and I am in my 30's...


I am just going to stick to making money and taking care of myself...


You don't need to have love or someone in your life if you are focused on yourself...


Great attitude to have, When you focus on yourself love will come to you and it will be real.. The best love comes to you. You don't go looking for it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am 22 have been with my now husband for 7yrs married for 4 yrs and I am feeling as though I am missing out on living my life to the fullest. I don't know how to get past it I would love for someone to discover a cure for this sickness. B/c I do have a good man.

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Thanks for responding to this thread. There are several guys (and gals!) in the same situation as me. Its nice to hear someone with "the disease."


Personally, I think its normal to question your love for someone when you have reached the comfort zone. Its just how things are, you get scared, its part of being young. I myself have felt the insecurities before, but worked through them by myself while in my relationship and have come to love my ex even more. Perhaps she will do the same for me, only time will tell.


Meanwhile, I strongly urge everyone in this situation facing uncertain love to do just let go and move on with your life. Tell him / her you love them very much, you'll be there for them if they need it, and to keep in touch. Thats all we really can do when it comes to handling this situation. In addition, I have been focusing on myself, working out more, studying harder, and meeting new people. There are times when I am absolutely terrified that I will lose her forever. But honestly, I think part of that fear is that I will lose the love I have for her. I have not, and probably will not..ever. I will just learn how to get past it and move on with my life, and who knows? Maybe I will meet someone who is better for me...or perhaps she will come to realize that she loves me and return. Nothing but time and fate will tell. Do yourself a favor : DON'T WAIT TO LIVE. Even if your ex comes back, you will end up RESENTING THEM for making you stop living your life and it will NOT SURVIVE.


If you're reading this and have just encountered a situation like this, first steps first: tell them what you truly feel. Make sure you're 100% genuine, and don't lie, don't play mind-games, don't do anything. If you need it, tell them that your heart is hurting and that you need time apart. Initiate NC. Don't put timeframes on things like these; each person is different and handles things differently. After you are in order and feel strong, you can reassess how you will deal with him / her. If you decide to initiate contact, you must not come towards them with anything more than friendship. They may also decide to talk to you through some form of communication. Keep cool, stay friendly, and don't bring up the relationship at all. The past is the past, let it die. Learn to trust in fate, and let things work on their own; whether it be just friendship or turn into something more.


Its ok to be scared of letting go. We all at some point in our lives have been scared to let go. Its part of growing up; learning to accept fate as our guiding hand.


youngconfusedme, I suggest you talk to your husband about this. It's ok to feel scared, but try to communicate with him. If he loves you, he'll understand and try to help you. Or perhaps you should consider some counseling.


In the end, Forgive Him/Her and Let Time Heal Your Wounds. Good Luck to everyone with this problem, its TOUGH to handle, but you will come out stronger for it regardless of the outcome.


- Rocko :cool:

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Reading posts like these scare me. Right now im in love with my highschool sweetheart, And I dunno what would happen if she just randomly dumped me like a bad cold.


I guess im just young and nieve because I havn't been **** over enough in life.... Thats kind of sad how the best way to gain wisdom is through pain... The world works in crazy ways...

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It hurts, but in the end you'll be stronger.


Take advice from someone only a little older than you (assuming you're still in high school) who's first love does not love him "in that way" anymore and probably wants to explore:


1) Love her like you love no other; and do not assume you will be together forever.

2) Never take her for granted.



If ANYTHING happens (it will, trust me, and no, I'm not being cynical about it, just being practical) you can have the mindset "DAIC (Done All I Could)."


Bookmark this thread, and follow my advice in my previous post if it happens to you.


Don't be sad though, and don't be scared. Everyone learns through mistakes and hardships. Try to stay positive and strong no matter what comes your way.

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They have an early life crisis and get the itch to see if they can find someone better or something.


I was dating a girl from the time she was 20 until just before she turned 22...she went wiggy on me near the end. She I think got out of her little phase months after that when she started working.


I think working full time also helps them smarten up. In uni/college they are clueless. hehe


Personally I think 85% of all females in their 20s are weird and wishy washy but that is just from my observation. There are a select few in their late 20s that seem to have their crap together but they are rare.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Girls just wanna have fun! Hey Im 20 and I am part of the few that don't think like that. I guess at our age we just think the grass is greener on the otherside until we get over there and realize theres more doodoo:sick:

But you have to admit- we want to explore before we settle down. Im a Christian and most Christians believe in the whole courting thing- basically they date to marry- not me! Im am in no way, shape, or form ready to be married any time soon so I date to get to know the person and enjoy being young. We want to get it all out so that once we are settled all the rebellion will most likely be out of us- I still plan to date around, finish school, and start my career- then Ill maybe think about settling:p

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Markraine, I couldn't say it better, totally agree. I met my ex when she was 21, I was 24. Three years later she dumped me for that pie in the sky. Why do so many woman need to find out how good they have, or had, by being with someone else.

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Women at that age are really growing when it comes to relationships. When I was that age I had committed relationships, but was curious to see what was out there. I never cheated on any boyfriends though!

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