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affair problem

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For the last few months I have become involved with a married woman who is way older then me. For the past 5 weeks i have tried avoiding her but the problem is I can't stop thinking about her. I want to do the right thing but how am I meant to do that if I can't get her out of my head? All i ever think about is her and I have tried stuff to forget her but everytime it comes back worse and I have the same problem.

We used to work together so I quit and I used to go to her house alot and I stopped that but she constantly calls me and she only lives down the street. I don't want to hurt her family so how am I meant to forget her and move on because I feel like I am trapped in a cycle at the moment and have no idea what to do. I am only 20 and she is way older which is another problem so I dunno if she is manipulating me to feel like this on purpose. What can i do?

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Cut off ALL contact with her - don't contact her, and don't let her contact you. If she shows up at your door, send her home and lock the door behind her. You can't get over her, if she continues to be in contact with you.


If she continues to bother you, tell her that the next step in ending the affair will be exposing it to her husband. It will be devastating, and you'll probably have to move - but if her husband finds out about it, it will crush the head of this affair.

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