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Hey im new here....

just thought id give some backgroud.. IM Natalie im 18 years old and i have a 8 month old son named kole william he was born november 23rd 2004, Im with his daddy mark who is 18 also... We live together... we have been together since april 03. OK lately weve had problems... big ones i guess..

Ok mark used to be so loving and caring... When we first went out i broke up with him and started dating again soon after but anyways he begged me to come to his house with him so i did... he got on his hands and knees with his arms around me begging for me... i didnt take him back then though a couple weeks later we i did.. thats the backgroud OH he was 16 at the time and i was 15 turning 16 that july...

Ok maybe a little more backgroud... i got pregnant at 16 in feb 04.. (DID NOT TRY!) before i ever found out though he proposed so i guess you can say we were engaged then. Like a month after we found out he started being gone alot and was never there to answer the phone partly because of the job. ANy ways he was actually excited to find out i was pregnant... i on the other hand as soon as i had seen the 2 pink lines wanted to faint. Well he was always with his "friend" tony who always tried to break us up.. he was his ride to work. He didnt want us together because he missed when they used to go girl hunting together... well he basically kept mark from me... even from calling me! well he worked with a construction company and finally winter came and he was home again and we got to see eachother all the time again... i was living with my mom up till the baby was born then moved in with him cause i didnt want him to miss out on his baby... (at the time we moved in with his parents) anyways here goes... aAHH before i forget i took his virginity... he wasnt my first though regretfully.

Ok lately hes been hiding stuff! HE was basically having internet sex with other girls and was going to meet up with them.. i think he is mental or something cause he said he only did it for fun and just dropped them after they were wanting him.. which had to be true on that cause on the dates for the chats i was home... it still WAS NOT right to me.. and i almost left.. See before that he was on a site (a dating one) and it said single and no kids! and he was talking to this girl and even met her (he was with his friends that knew her) see it was a dating site for our city. Well on the site she was like i had a nice night your a nice guy then he was like i did to... your smart funny and beautiful and loved hanging with you. I couldnt believe it. I was so heart broken it was like when he knew he won my heart he decided to do stuff to me..

I Dont get how he can hurt me like this.. but here are the f'd up parts... he denied our son! I talk to the girl she said she didnt know when he said he showed her pics...

Now there is this girl he borrowed money from and she msg him saying MONEY and i was like its nat and she started telling me stuff after i mentioned HIS SON she goes.. "wait Kole is his son like in THAT WAY!" i was like YES! and she said he said "i dont know what im going to do with Natalie, you know Kole? Hes not even mine.. thats her kid from another realationship.." she was telling me all kinds of stuff but this time he really denies this and even is going i cant believe shes even saying that stuff!!! i never said any of that! I WOULDNT DENY HIM ! which is kinda weird cause i remember her saying once is that your son in that pic andn him saying yes... or she might have said is that natalie and Kole? i dunno... still hurts.. well another girl calls saying he said KOle wasnt his.. ok messed up part... his friend tony (well not really his friend anymore) he does this stuff to get us broken up even now... hes tried getting girls to call and all that.. cause he knows the number... (we just moved into the apartment upstairs so we use his parents phone till we get more on our feet) hes left me emails pretending to be girls saying stuff... heck mark yelled at him once and tony goes "AND SHE BELIEVE ME!! HAAHAH" that made me mad... thing is.. i dont think this gabby girl who was saying the stuff that wanted her money, knew him. I dunno. MARk saids she does... Hes doing so much now.. i almost left 2 days ago and it was such a big fight it was like a new start... well it still seems like he is hiding stuff.. it scares me... i dont want our family to be broken up! I girl msg him tonight and he would respond and he X'ed to fast for me to see but he was like im not talking to the girl dont worry which he didnt... but i checked what she said and he was like hm... not responding guess its not my lucky day.. when all he told me she said hmm not answering...

Ive almost left alot.. he tells me he loves Kole and I more than anything... and he cries when i pack up. I dunno if he loves me or not.. im starting to think he loves me but cant live without these other girls... i dunno... he used to be so perfect should have believe everyone when they told me they change after a baby... i mean i thought maybe he would but not with other girls!! He used to love showing me off and talking about me... now it seems like he tries hard not to.. and it hurts soo much... Now im even scared to go to work thinking he will do something... he promised me no more.. but hes promised me before and it seems like things get worse everytime... heck i wouldnt doubt a couple more weeks and i probably will come home to him in bed with a girl... i hope not. He used to work but got hurt at work and got nerve damage and cant move 2 of his finger and his hand/wrist is always hurting... so he is in the middle of a lawsuit...

If he ever REALLY cheats and i have proof... IM GONE! i will not put up with that. OOH about the girl that said stuff (the one that wants her money) MArks sister who wouldnt lie for a guy even her brother was there and she said he didnt say that and that she would have smacked him around if he had come close to saying it.

Guess im asking for advice... has anyone else been through something like this? Did it work out? Do you think he is cheating? Is that cheating? should i believe some girl? what should i do? ANY ADVICE PLEASE!! im so heartbroken and if that stuff ever was true about what he said about our son... my poor baby... i swear hed be so heartbroken if he knew what stuff meant. Im never telling Kole when hes older.. i dont want him to be hurt.



thanks ahead of time





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Hi Never!


Sorry to hear about what you're going through. Kinda long but ok! :D


I would say to talk to him and tell him how you exactly feel.


You're still young. And you need to think about what is best for you and your son right now. You don't need this.


My H and I met in Highschool (12 yrs ago).... got married....two children....he cheated....MC...etc.. ALOT of stress and heartache....now

things are getting better. We really love each other!


But if i knew then what i know now.....i would have left... What i'm trying to say is you still have the rest of your life ahead of you... do you really want this? Do you really love him? Then talk to him...give him an ultimatum. You want to know what's up?


Take care and keep us updated!

:) Heavenlyflower

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