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someone tell me what's the deal with this girl

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can people here tell me what's up with this lady whom I work with...


good figure, average face, loves attention and married with kids. Always checks me out and see if I'm watching her and paying attention to her. When I do make eye contact with her, she'd quickly look away. Pretty often when I'm talking to another colleague (we've got low-height cubicles so we all see one another), she'd take the opportunity to join in and try to be cute or funny.


Thing is, I usually don't find her funny at all. Maybe it's just the way she is, but I find her a tad to caustic in her speech. And that's when she pisses me off; which is often. Funny thing is, when I get upset, she just notices it EVERYTIME :p even when I don't tell her off. My guess is that she observes me. She'd then just shut her mouth and try to make amends by being really nice to me again..... like trying to catch my eyes, smiling and speaking more gently. A couple times when I snapped at her, she stammered her way back to make amends, LOL.


I think she knows I don't take shyt from women, so she's cautious, but still pisses me off occasionally with her silly speech. hmmm, I don't think I'm imagining things but I think she's pretty affected by how I regard her.


So what gives?.... I'm guessing...

1) she's really fearful of me (I rank much higher than her), but then, why say stupid things???

2) she needs my attention and so when I'm pissed off, she'd wanna quickly rectify things in order that she doesn't lose the person who gives her attention. And, I've observed too that she does like getting the attention from one other guy, so it's not just me. Any thoughts?

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Originally posted by elijahBailey

So what gives?


(I rank much higher than her)


In this situation, it's difficult to diagnose the difference between attraction and butt-kissing...


But hey, be nice. Don't make her stammer.

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LOL, if I were her boss and then I make her stammer, that would be mean :) No, I'm not her boss, we are just colleagues. She's an office assistant. But, ....... butt-kissing?..... never thought of that one before. but, pretty sure that ain't the case here. She don't get no mileage with me where her career is concerned :)

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Maybe she's just trying to be friends? Maybe more. Who knows.


Whatever, you should be polite and kind. If she's trying to be cute and friendly, don't shoot her down in flames. This is mean. Especially since you outrank her. If she seems caustic, make a small joke out of it - she'll probably get the point.

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Maybe she's just trying to be friends? Maybe more. Who knows.


Whatever, you should be polite and kind.


okay, I hear you dude :)

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It sounds like she enjoys "yanking your chain" and enjoys your reactions, she knows that you think of her as attractive and as a married Woman with kids this makes her feel wanted even though she might not want you, if that makes sense...it sounds like you both have a good rapport...stick with it.

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