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conflicting thoughts

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I am living with my bf and we have been friends since highschool (we are mid twenties now). We have been thinking about getting married and it is a really tough decision. Most of the time we have a happy and fufilling relationship. However...


About once a month, I get really bad PMS. It causes me to have mental turmoil, such as anxiety, depression, and a strong desire to break up with my boyfriend. It lasts for about three days. I can handle the depression and anxiety, however I is a real problem for me to feel like breaking up every month. I have had this same problem with previous b/fs but in the past I would always break up. I cannot determine how to tell if I really want to break up and I only let myself beleive it when I have PMS, or if the PMS is causing me to have these destructive thoughts. The feelings I have a very different and each one is very real...I want to be able to know how to tell which are the most relevant. That way I would not be torn b/w breaking up or not because I would be able to make a decision with confidence that I am doing the best/right thing for me...


as of right now I could never agree to marry him because I feel so unstable, but I would like to get married someday and If he is the wrong person I would like to find out sooner than later! And I would hate to break up and regret it the rest of my life, which I think could happen.


I do have hormonal imbalances and I have taken medication before but stopped b/c of the side effects and also b/c I only have the bad problems with PMS, and the rest of the time I feel good enough to not be on drugs. I do not want to have to take medication, I think I can work out my problems without chemicals.





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Great advances have taken place in recent years in the treatment of PMS, which have all the symptoms you described. It is very possible that there are other aggravating medical circumstances that have not yet been diagnosed.


You should consider several things. First, going to a physician who has recently come from medical school and who is aware of new treatments for PMS. There are new drugs that don't have nearly the side effects as some of the earlier meds. Second, you should consider visiting a physician or other practitioner of natural medicines, those composed of herbs or combinations of herbs, vitamins, etc. These, combined with a diet regimen and a good exercise program, can make a major difference in your life.


There is no reason whatsoever for someone in the year 2001 to have such chaotic periods and PMS problems.


Until you get this straightened out, you ought to make all decisions regarding relationships and everything else in your life during the 27 or 28 days during the month you are able to think clearly. Your PMS days will always have a mind of their own.

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Sometimes, you can't handle your health problems. There's no other way to say it. There is a new drug for women that have bad pms that is for before the pms gets there. It shows all the symptoms you are talking about. You need to got to a Doc tell him the problems and ask him to set you on one. If it doesn't work out try the next. You can't just give up on it though. You're not letting your body balance the way it should be. Then maybe after you have that under control you can decide if you're still having thoughts of not being with your boyfriend. And if you still do, then you need to figure out why you're thinking that way. You have to help yourself before you drag the problem with you into a marriage. Good luck.

Great advances have taken place in recent years in the treatment of PMS, which have all the symptoms you described. It is very possible that there are other aggravating medical circumstances that have not yet been diagnosed. You should consider several things. First, going to a physician who has recently come from medical school and who is aware of new treatments for PMS. There are new drugs that don't have nearly the side effects as some of the earlier meds. Second, you should consider visiting a physician or other practitioner of natural medicines, those composed of herbs or combinations of herbs, vitamins, etc. These, combined with a diet regimen and a good exercise program, can make a major difference in your life. There is no reason whatsoever for someone in the year 2001 to have such chaotic periods and PMS problems. Until you get this straightened out, you ought to make all decisions regarding relationships and everything else in your life during the 27 or 28 days during the month you are able to think clearly. Your PMS days will always have a mind of their own.
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