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Barry "they don't call me" White..

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Barry "they don't call me" White..

There is this young woman, about 22, whom I've recently become interested in. The first time I met her at a club, I only said a few words to her, and that was that. The second time i saw her at the club(about a week later), we chatted and talked on and off all night, plus we even did shots off of one another and we both had a great time. But we went our seperate ways.


But the next night, at the same club, one of my buddies started using cheesy pickup lines on her, and she just wasn't into his lines. Well, the rest of the night, I talked to her and she said a few things back, but it seemed like she wasn't interested, even though we did joke about my friends lines. I just got the feeling she was brushing me off.


Well, the other day, some young woman I know, a friends gf, who knows and is friends with this young woman, well, she looked at me like I was crazy to think that this girl doesn't like me, that she definitely was into me, she's not as outgoing as i thought. Well this sort of confused me.


I had the feeling that she was brushing me off, but her friend, my friends gf, told me she was and would definitely be into me, What should a confused man do?




Barry "wishing I had the moves" White

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YOU ASK: "What should a confused man do?"


Just raise your right hand and repeat after me:


I, (your name), do solemnly swear and acknowledge that from now until the end of the world I will draw no particular conclusions about a woman's behavior...


THAT no matter how a lady behaves on any particular contact with me, her behavior the following time may or may not be consistent with the previous...


THAT I shall draw no particular conclusions from a woman's behavior unless she specifically articulates how she feels and then...


THAT I shall always know that a woman's mind is subject to immediate change no matter if she seems to be cold and giving me the brush off...or if she seems to be really into me...


THAT the best way to find out exactly how she feels is to ask her out to a venue which is apart from the place where I met her...such as if I meet her in a bar, ask her to a concert or to dinner and a movie...


THAT if she says no, I know that it is possible she may just be busy and her refusal may have nothing to do with whether or not she likes me. It could even mean she has an exam to study for or she is PMSing and I will understand...


THAT if she says no, I will continue to be kind and courteous to her in subsequent meetings and, at the right opportunity, I will ask her out one more time. If she refuses, I will act cool and gentlemanly and continue to be kind to her but move on to someone else...


I FURTHER UNDERSTAND that my attractiveness to a woman will have a lot to do with how cool I am under rejection, how cool I am when they are being cool to me, and the degree to which they have determined that I am NOT all that interested in them in particular...


BUT IN ALL THIS I DO ACKNOWLEDGE that whatever she says or does at a particular moment may not be a true indicator of her long term feelings and it doesn't mean my chances are nil. It just means I have to remain cool, calm, and move on and if she is meant to be in my life the opporunity will present itself again.




Now that you have taken the oath, your question should be answered and you should be on your way to love, happiness, success and a clear and lucid understanding that you will never, ever understand women even after your death so don't even try!!! (And women will never understand us either, so their is parity here)


In the cast of this particular lady, you need to ask her out and stick to the oath which you recited above.


Best to you always.

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It's really an easy answer.... Be yourself. And you'll never know unless you try. It might turn out good or might turn out bad, but you'll never know if you don't try. Good luck.

There is this young woman, about 22, whom I've recently become interested in. The first time I met her at a club, I only said a few words to her, and that was that. The second time i saw her at the club(about a week later), we chatted and talked on and off all night, plus we even did shots off of one another and we both had a great time. But we went our seperate ways. But the next night, at the same club, one of my buddies started using cheesy pickup lines on her, and she just wasn't into his lines. Well, the rest of the night, I talked to her and she said a few things back, but it seemed like she wasn't interested, even though we did joke about my friends lines. I just got the feeling she was brushing me off. Well, the other day, some young woman I know, a friends gf, who knows and is friends with this young woman, well, she looked at me like I was crazy to think that this girl doesn't like me, that she definitely was into me, she's not as outgoing as i thought. Well this sort of confused me. I had the feeling that she was brushing me off, but her friend, my friends gf, told me she was and would definitely be into me, What should a confused man do? ---------- Barry "wishing I had the moves" White
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