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Is it my fault my ex gf became a serial cheater?

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Long ago when I was 24 (now I'm 32) and the very first time I even wrote on this site, I cheated on a past gf. It devastated her and things were obviously never the same again.


Fast forward to present day:

I've learnt from others that she's been cheating on every single guy she has dated. The world is so small that one of my closest friends even dated her and she ended up sleeping with his cousin. She excused it that she wasn't always like this, that someone made her into this (sadly that someone is me).

Her fb page has the saying ''Everyone was born good and on a clean slate, society corrups you and makes you who you are''.


I ruined her. It's all my fault then. I met her as an sweet girl that didn't have it in her to cheat.


There is something going on in her that has been brewing for a lot longer than you'd been with her. And, thinking you have so much power over another person as to cause this kind of dysfunction, isn't healthy.


That SOMEONE was not you. I might venture to guess that one of both of her parents have responsibility for this or someone else traumatized her -- rape, sexual/emotional abuse.

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This is a tricky pickle.


In one way, this girl should take responsibility for how she responds to being cheated on.


In another way, the traumatic experience of her past has triggered something so deep inside her psyche that her entire perception of herself and reality has shifted. Some people can cope with trauma better than others, and it looks like she can't cope with what happened and is a victim in her mind.

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