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This CAN'T be healthy...can it?


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Re-occurring dream...wait, *scratches head* did I spell that right?! LOL, either way...


I keep having a dream that I go off on my mom. I mean, totally rip her a new one. I'm not conciously mad/upset with her, but she's not too high on my list right now. She hasn't done anything rude to me, so I'm confused. Like, WTF, why am I having these dreams?! I don't want to hate my mom! That's just...well, screwed up to the tenth degree!


Give me some insight...lol, any will do...thanks in advance!

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A Fly onThe Wall

i'm not much of a dream reader but I don't think there is a DIRECT link in dreams to real life.. You have to look deeper than that.


Maybe you not happy about something you did and you are mad at yourself.. In the dream your mom is really you.


You are ripping yourself a new As*


just my 1 cent

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Too little information. Your "mom" might be a symbol for something she thoroughly believes in, which you passionately hate. Without knowing more, it is impossible what the dream might mean.

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