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well they finally told me the truth

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My roomates have been sleeping together and i found out by going up to the bathroom and hearing them in the shower, needless to say i flipped out banged on the bathroom door and said you aren't any ****ing friends of mine, see I have suspected that something was going on for a while I was just waiting for them to have the ****ing balls to tell me.


K the female roomie was in tears and freaking out and my ex best friend played the Big man role and told me that my behaviour had been erractic and crazy and i was thinking oh gee I wonder why...she has come between a 9 year friendship and he isn't a friend to me anymore it feels dead., it really does, I did give K a big hug and held her for a while because she was balling her eyes out and i felt bad about a lot of the nasty things I had said to her,but they should NOT have kept it from me and they should have done it away from the home.


I did wake up this morning and thought why care?, it's just one of those things and it's done now it will take some time for me and my best friends friendship to heal but she is nothing to me now, she is moving out and I never want to see her again, she has put me through hell and given many mixed signals but maybe that was all part of her complete game plan...who knows?...I don't and I doubt if I ever will.


Has this happened to anyone here before?.

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Originally posted by youjustconfuseme

I did wake up this morning and thought why care?


why DO you care sooo extremely much? I would think you might be happy that your friends at least finfd joy in each other.............unless you are bitter and jealous that you are not K.

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What business is it of yours in the first place who your friends sleep with?


I can't help but think there is something else to this story (FWB?) that you haven't told us.

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Originally posted by laRubiaBonita

why DO you care sooo extremely much? I would think you might be happy that your friends at least finfd joy in each other.............unless you are bitter and jealous that you are not K.


The truth is I wish it was me, I have had feelings for this girl for over 4 months now and they haven'tgone yet, I accept that we are friends but I am very puzzled by her actions.


here is what is @#%$ with me, she gives me these looks like she knows how much this has hurt me and she still does the damn flirty hair thing, I try not too pay attention too it but she does it all the time...we are talking and I have made amends but I really don't understand why she has hooked up with when he leaves to go live in another country at the end of the month she is also hanging the "i am seriously considering moving out' over me.

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Okay now I see what's been going on. I think you received some good advice in that thread.


Originally posted by Iluvsiamese

Btw, her concept of maturity is a little off. Mature people who are reasonably well balanced do not feel the need to torture others with head games.

Originally posted by sanne

man, please don't take this too harshly, but you are doing this all to yourself. you are putting yourself through this torture, not her. if you want it to stop, tell her to move the hell out, don't contact her, and move on with your life. you obviously still have feelings for this girl which is why your still sticking around.

To which you replied...

Originally posted by youjustconfuseme

It's my place dude, I have been here for 2 years...and I think you are wrong to be honest, she knows what she is doing and did you not read the post where I said i just don't care anymore?


I don't have feelings for her anymore, I still think she is a beautiful girl but she doesn't have the personality too match in a way I will agree with you cos I do see that by the way I react to her bull**** allows her to have power over me.


So she is the ONE that is staying, my best friend leaves in a month and she wants to stay on, why?...I have no idea. :confused:

Either accept the way she is and ignore what appears to be her interest in you or someone has to move out.
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You are NOT her bf so why does it matter who she sleeps with? Ending your friendship over this is rather ridiculus unless one of them knew that you liked/ had feelings for her. In which case shows that you were only friends to become her bf, etc. So if you really want to end your friendship b/c she did absolutely nothing wrong then it is completely your lost.

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I know and I'm completely over it kind of woke up the other morning and thought eh?...what the **** was that all about?, why did I care?, she is nothing he is welcome to her, I did once have a thing for her but that was ages ago besides she just plays head games a lot and has my friend wrapped around her little finger already...boy is she good...damn she is good.


She seriously should be an actress.


He leaves for another country in 2 weeks and she is staying




not sure why but this is my place and I'm happy here, I have 2 girls that I am working on (quite well I might add) and I haven't seen the room mate in over a week, I am hardly home and that's the way i like it.



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