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[Facebook friend asks]"Do you know any single women?"

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I thought I would update all on what happened with this situation. Needless to say it was awkward ...


I met him on a Saturday. We had a very nice time over dinner, he seemed like a good guy based on that interaction. He asked to continue the evening, I declined because I didn't want to seem too eager. I can tell what will / will not happen within the first and last 5 minutes of the encounter : If there is any hostility between me and them when we first meet, it will be bad. The last 5 is the key ... He walked me to my car (good), he said his good-bye, and then nothing (bad). Not a hug or a handshake, he just said good-bye. I felt disappointed.


The next day he texted and said he had a good time. I said I did as well via text. Then we texted on Monday, it tapered off. Then Tuesday I sent a "good morning" text. No response. I waited for 48 hours, after that, the case goes cold. NEXT.


Here is where it gets really awkward. My friend Jane who had set it up sent an IM asking how things went on Sunday the day after, I said I liked him and it was a good time. She said good, he's a good guy. And then ... She blocked me sometime on Monday/Tuesday. Him I could care less about, he's just another dude in the chain. I was sad that she chose to block me. I think what may have happened was that he told her that he was not interested and she chose to block me rather than face potential wrath or dramatics from me. That hurt. I cared about her as my friend, even though our relationship was not very deep or longstanding. I have no means of contacting her outside of Facebook so I will never speak to her again. I almost feel like they played a prank on me. I'm sad because of this.

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Wow. That is terribly harsh. Do you have any idea whatsoever why this happened?


None. I don't know what to make of it other than this was simply not meant to be with me and him, to be sure. But her behavior is what really hurt me in this situation. There's nothing I can do about this. Have no choice but to move on as I always do, but this hammers home how many times people have hurt me in the past and makes me loose faith even more in others. I'll keep trying here and there, but ... Another scar.

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Well in my perspective if you act like you like the guy, he'll not be interested in you. If you decline such an offer as he made, I'm leaving him wanting more and not letting him have it so easily.


Still, if you review this situation, it was pretty awkward to begin with. The irony is that when I went to his Facebook page for the last time he posted a meme that said "I wish I could be with someone who looks at me and thinks "Damn, that's mine." I could have been that for him but he chose otherwise. Moving on.

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Well I did hear from him after waiting for about 48 hours. He replied to the Facebook IM. He said he has two tickets to a concert in August and wanted someone to go with for Nickelback (I hate Nickelback). I think the situation is a bit strange, as other who have commented on it have agreed. I decided to ask a few questions, the exchange went like this :


Me: "Why is it you request someone to attend with you?" (As in attend the concert)

Him: "I always buy two tickets for them in the hopes that I will end up with someone I want to date but usually end up going alone."

M: "I see well that's planning if nothing else."

H: "Wishful thinking."

M: "So I must ask a few questions being the circumstance in which we are now talking."

H: "Ask away."

M: "Lawn or pavilion tickets?"

H: "Pavilion."

M: "Nice."

H: "I believe in go large or go home."

M: "Right, agree."

H: "Where do you live?"

M: "(city). You?"

H: "I live in (city)." (The cities in which we live are very far apart, btw.)

M: "I don't think I have ever been there, is that near (city)?"

H: "About 10 minutes south of there."

M: "Ok, I have been out that way but never to your city then."

H: "Do you have a picture of yourself?"


I felt my heart drop into my stomach with that question. We are talking on Facebook, we are not Facebook friends, and my profile photo is of Wonder Woman. At least he didn't think that I was actually Gail Gadot. And this is like when you connect with someone on a dating website and they ask to see another picture of you. Red flag? I think so.


Wasn't he just wanting to go on concert sounds more like a hook-up and your wonderwoman from the movie poster. He wants to see what you look like so what does it matter to him what you look like if he's just wanted someone to go to the concert with. Sucks. You can do better than that BS. Your right it's RED FLAG.. He should go out with you no matter what for this concert and get to know the real you. FB being used personal online dating.. My account is locked after one girl tried this BS with me another one tried to contact me through FB. The one that slipped in already back and forth with her daily. Still don't know where that is going.. The boat of no return is fulling up quick. You best not to get hurt by any strange or arranged connection if you don't feel okay about it.

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Speaking from a man's perspective, I can see why he didn't go for a hug or a kiss in the end. When he asked to continue the evening, in your effort to appear more eager, you pretty much told him you were not interested. You turned him down, which likely made him think you weren't interested, so why should he try to make a move on you? I would suggest you stop playing games like that. If you are into a guy, go out with him.


My exact thoughts....


I can get that you didn't want to seem "too eager" but you may need to be more clear about your feelings then...He probably felt let down...I can't blame him for not showing anything physical at the end...



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I guess all he did want was a hookup ultimately. I am more concerned about my friend Jane who blocked me over his rejection. This is what hurts but, it's what it is.

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I guess all he did want was a hookup ultimately. I am more concerned about my friend Jane who blocked me over his rejection. This is what hurts but, it's what it is.




That sucks. She must not have been the kind of friend you thought she was. I feel bad that you lost a friend but since she was a false friend, maybe it's a good thing.

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I guess all he did want was a hookup ultimately. I am more concerned about my friend Jane who blocked me over his rejection. This is what hurts but, it's what it is.


You play games, appear to not like him and the guy loses interest.


"oh, he must of just wanted sex" :rolleyes:

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Is everyone forgetting the fact that this guy likes nickelback? Bullet dodged.

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Is everyone forgetting the fact that this guy likes nickelback? Bullet dodged.


This is a very good point.

Makes me think he doesn't possess the test levels required to live the hit n' quit lifestyle.


probably cries after sex also.

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