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bf wont listen to me!

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Okay. Me and my boyfriend used to do lots of stuff together and he used to actualy pay attention to me an talk to me an all that stuff. ever since then he opened up a forum for me an him an he used to go on it more then he ever talked to me. an it makes me feel like ****, i moved in with him recently an we fight all the time about not spending quality time together because he has that forum to run all the time. Usually he makes me sit by him on the computer an talk to him usually hes coding for the forum an ignoring me not paying attention to me.

And recently i went back to visit my mom an hes in portugal right now. there is so much drama on that forum and he recently bought a domain with it, its a dot com website but he never finishd the website its just the forum that is up.


Now i want to close it down because i feel that his whole life revolves around that forum. I really want him to start paying attention to me again an be how we used to be. I just closed it today and I dont want nothing to do with it.

I dont know what to do, hes coming back in 3 days, I actually want to confront him to his face but im afraid what if he doesnt listen to me. or what if he leaves it open i dont want to go there anymore. please help me on what to say and do.

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Confront him, and if he doesnt want to listen...Then hun hes not worth your time anyway. Any man who is not willing to respect your feelings is not worth a damn thing!

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I really want him to start paying attention to me again an be how we used to be.


Just tell him this in a calm, non-confrontational, non-argumentative way. State it as a need you have, not a demand that make of him. If you turn this into a confrontation with demands that he pay attention to you, then all you will accomplish is stepping that much closer to your breakup.


If you are calm, state your needs without making demands, and show him that you sincerely want to talk with him and not just at him, and he still blows you off - then you may want to understand that your relationship days are numbered.

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I honestly think that if you just go shut down the forum without telling him, it will cause more problems. Confront him about it and if he chooses the forum over YOU who he "loves" then there's someone else out there for you!

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