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Why do men cheat?

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Men cheat for the same reason women cheat - because they can and they choose to.

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Here are the reasons MM gave me:


- his wife refused to do certain sex acts

- he needed sex more frequently

- he needed other women's p******

- he needed the attention

- his wife was refusing him while pregnant

- he had little kids at home so there was no time/space for sex

- he felt trapped


See a theme here? Although I'm not sure how typical this is. Maybe mine was just more forthcoming about what he wanted. I'm sure there are some who really do fall in love.


Or you could just go with the answer given in Moonstruck: because they fear death

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Space Ritual

I'd never even consider cheating on anyone. As a victim of infidelity that was especially foul, I would not wish the pain of cheating on anyone.


That being said, In general both genders do it because of opportunity, poor coping skills, even poorer expectations of relationships, and even poorer communication.


In scouring this subforum for the better part of a decade now, I can safely say Male victims do tend to take the physical aspect of it harder than females. Females tend to be more upset at the emotional component.


As far as perpetrators, What I said earlier is based on what I have perused here over the years.


Everyone thinks their story of infidelity is unique, but in reality, they usually follow a script that is pretty common around these parts. even as foul as my discovery was, it basically followed a script that I was subjected to. It was 30 years ago and other than social media and smart phones the skullduggery has changed little.

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I have been thinking this question for so many years already. What I got is the fact that people nowadays are:


1.) Marrying for the wrong reasons.

2.) Deciding important things on a whim/emotional outbursts.

3.) Selfish.


If you think about it, relationships, if taken seriously, can really be hard. I will only marry a person if I have truly felt the connection on both sides. Trust your instincts. Never brush even a small red flag. That "small" one can ruin a marriage in the future.

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Here are the reasons MM gave me:


- his wife refused to do certain sex acts

- he needed sex more frequently

- he needed other women's p******

- he needed the attention

- his wife was refusing him while pregnant

- he had little kids at home so there was no time/space for sex

- he felt trapped


See a theme here? Although I'm not sure how typical this is. Maybe mine was just more forthcoming about what he wanted. I'm sure there are some who really do fall in love.


Or you could just go with the answer given in Moonstruck: because they fear death



Those are all lies to get into a woman's pants.


They do it because they want sex from all the attractive women that they

see that will give it to them. Having a wife or GF does not matter.

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We are too quick to assume that men are the only ones who cheat. Women cheat just as often as men do, and for the same reason. Men can attest chemistry up to it - their hormones cause them to always be thinking about sex therefore, they are looking for it at all times.


Why does anyone cheat? Because they are not happy, because they are presented with opportunity, or because they are spending time apart. I can admit, I cheated - when I was in a LTR with someone and we had not seen each other in two months someone came along (it was just a weekend), and when I was in college away from my high school sweetheart who I had been with for years. But those things happened a long time ago, we all make mistakes.

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Maybe they justify it to themselves this way - if they're not in love with the person they're cheating with, then it doesn't really count as cheating?

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Is it really just about sex?


The same reason women cheat. No character and a complete lack of morals.

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Most men who do cheat is because they want strange....something different. But I said "most" not all. Sometimes it's emotional, to feel desired. Some like the thrill, the challenge. But overall men lean towards the physical end of things, while women tend to lean towards emotional stimulation.

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Most men who do cheat is because they want strange....something different. But I said "most" not all. Sometimes it's emotional, to feel desired. Some like the thrill, the challenge. But overall men lean towards the physical end of things, while women tend to lean towards emotional stimulation.


It can be emotional, although we are known not to express, we express by action.


It depends on the individual I think.

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I have been thinking this question for so many years already. What I got is the fact that people nowadays are:


1.) Marrying for the wrong reasons.

2.) Deciding important things on a whim/emotional outbursts.

3.) Selfish.


If you think about it, relationships, if taken seriously, can really be hard. I will only marry a person if I have truly felt the connection on both sides. Trust your instincts. Never brush even a small red flag. That "small" one can ruin a marriage in the future.


It is hard, I mean for us guys, we need to learn how to play cool, be confident when we are not always feeling it.


Know when to keep emotions in check so that we look strong, it can be taxing.

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