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We agreed on FWB but now he's ignoring me and unmatched me on tinder?

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Please do not do this to yourself and learn from it. This is not the way to go about dating. Certainly men love the new age minute hook ups. There was a time before the internet, tinder was available on the streets. Women walking up and down the boulevards and would enter a car and quick sex act and get out. Do not lower your value and fall into the obscene pattern of Multiple fwbs, fb, and 3 date rules. Be strong and make a set of standards for yourself and be your own boss in wading through the dating pool.

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A nice lady in her mid 20s with the Cancer Zodiac sign does not need a FWB. You need a relationship with a sweet, nice honest man who will be loyal and true and open with his feelings.

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I don't know folks - maybe the term FWB has different meanings in different places??


Here it means F with a capital F.


I sympathise with the OP - I think her intent was right here, but might have missed the Friends bit.


All my FWB's in the past have started as friends, no sex. Yes sure, from my end at least there was physical attraction, but basically FWB to me, and in this area, generally means you have a friend of the opposite gender, a genuine friend, but, during the course of building that friendship you realise that though there is some electricity between you, its not going to grow into a romantic relationship. You both have physical needs though ... so why not engage, in an adult way, to satisfy those needs?


This type of arrangement for me has never been ever close to a ONS or even simply an ongoing hookup type deal. Its a _real_ friendship. You see each other for reasons that are not sexual, but, if the mood is right, you might have sex, or not ... as the case may be.

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you will have many more available to you.


His loss.


Sounds like your date schedule is full, anyway.

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Miss Spider

When you lay yourself out there as casual sex, fwb girl, you decreases your attractiveness in the majority of guys eyes. She may be appealing enough for one night, or whenever they're feeling they need to get a nut off. Otherwise, it makes the girl much less appealing. They have an ingrained belief that if a woman is having sex casually, it's because she's "damaged" in some way and/or is having trouble finding a guy of the caliber she wants to commit to her exclusively so she will settle for trading her body for affection. This of course is not always true, but often not far off. Is it a double standard? Yes, but it is how I think most men feel. Most, not all.


So if you are even if you are attractive, if you are putting yourself out there as just wanting an f buddy( note: this is a distinction from just being sexually liberal), he already sees you as lower value than him and disposable. . It's just this weird thing about psychology; is everyone is trying to 'attract up'. What is harder to attain is more valuable. They see a girl who is harder to attain and they automatically assume she must be more valuable/attractive. I am not saying girls who purposely put up road blocks and build walls, but ones that genuinely have higher standards because they can.

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When you lay yourself out there as casual sex, fwb girl, you decreases your attractiveness in the majority of guys eyes. She may be appealing enough for one night, or whenever they're feeling they need to get a nut off. Otherwise, it makes the girl much less appealing. They have an ingrained belief that if a woman is having sex casually, it's because she's "damaged" in some way and/or is having trouble finding a guy of the caliber she wants to commit to her exclusively so she will settle for trading her body for affection. This of course is not always true, but often not far off. Is it a double standard? Yes, but it is how I think most men feel. Most, not all.


So if you are even if you are attractive, if you are putting yourself out there as just wanting an f buddy( note: this is a distinction from just being sexually liberal), he already sees you as lower value than him and disposable. . It's just this weird thing about psychology; is everyone is trying to 'attract up'. What is harder to attain is more valuable. They see a girl who is harder to attain and they automatically assume she must be more valuable/attractive. I am not saying girls who purposely put up road blocks and build walls, but ones that genuinely have higher standards because they can.


great advice

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I don't understand two strangers deciding to be FWB. What is the definition of friendship here? I tend to think real FWB would be 2 people who are already friends who care for each other (as friends) and respect each other deciding at some point in their friendship to include sex in the friendship while making it clear that neither has any romantic obligation to the other and both are free to pursue other people. Thus you have a true friends with benefits relationship because real friendship has already been established.


Offering yourself up as a FWB to guys you barely know is not possible because you don't already have a solid friendship with them and you can't force friendship anymore than you can force a romantic relationship. So what you are offering is really No strings attached sex. You are offering to be a f@ck buddy. F@ck buddies meet up for sex but there is no obligation of friendship.

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