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my very first date

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well yea, like the topic says, this is my very first date. I've finally managed to ask a close friend of mine after like 5 years of wishing she'd feel the same way about me as i feel about her. So yea, i am completely nervouse and outta my mind. I have a week before this date and i have really no clue on wut to do. I mean, she's a really good friend too so i dont want to screw this up, AND this is actuallyTHE first real date ive been on. I have had girlfriends in the past, but that was a long time ago, and if i remember correctly, i was also really scared back then. So yea, this will be the first time i will be going somewhere alone with a girl. So yea, i cud use some help on liek where to go, or what to do, or what to say, or what to do..

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how old are you?


wow, your'e stressed.!


Well, the first thing to remember is that she said YES so this is a good sign!

Does she know it is a date and not just a friends hanging out kinda thing?


If so......Dinner is always good. I don't think movies make good dates in early days cuz you don't talk while its on. (of course it is something to talk about afterwards....). Then again, you two probably have no problem with conversation if you've alerady known each other for 5 years! How cool!


A walk? mini golf?


good luck! fill us in!

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A lot of guys and gals find dating difficult and are always nervous. Well, you have very high hopes for this situation apparently. That makes it more difficult. I find a dinner date difficult because you are almost forced to maintain conversation. And no movie! I read somewhere that you can`t compete with that and I agree. Look out for the dreaded "friend syndrome" If she says let`s just be friends you have struck out. Don`t feel compelled to do anything romantic like hold hands or put your arm around her. Unless of course, she makes the first move.

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hi again, yea well im almost 19. yea, i know im still young. but i guess ur never too young to have affectionate feelings...lol


and yea, i asked her "wud u like to go out on a date with me" and she said "yea, i wud like to gout on a date with u". lol i asked her like that cuz i was also confused on wut she thought it was wen i asked her the first time.


but yea, im a little disappointed now though, but at the same time a little relieved. She said she considered if she could bring a ladyfriend along with her, and i said as long as i can bring one of my friends. So now its 4 ppl. So i am evn more confused now. lol. already dug myself a pretty big hole from the start, and now im digging deeper.


o yea, thx for the reply :)

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Hmm, interesting.


Its nice to have group dates to start things out, kinda takes the pressure off. There's less intensity and focus on each one of you to keep the conversation going. Plus it can be more playful. Leads to more options for dates, like the mini golf thing I suggested or something else that is like a "game". Good luck!


Plus, she may have had her friend call up and wanna do something adn she didn't want to put her off.


Well, good luck!


(definitely not too young for these feelings - I just wanted to know how old you were cuz it might determine what you would be open for doing/////????)

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