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should i believe him?i need advice fast

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me and my ex brokeup bout 3 months ago and after we broke up when ever i saw him he would just stare at me and one time he almost wreaked his bike when he saw me drive by. and all mine and his friends say he still loves me he is just shy on how to tell me cuz of the way i will act towords it sunce he brokeup with me.but the other day his best friend imed me and said that he still loves me alot and then he got jelouse and kinda mad when i told him i had a bf. and then monday he called me 3 times but i was sleepin and so i didnt answer. and on tuesday he called me 6 times and the 7th time i answered and we talked from 12-3am and his friend told me that he still loves me and wants to bang me still. all our friends tell me i should believe him and his friends and 1 of my friends who went out wit him told me to believe him but i dont know wat to do ....wat does it sound like to u do u think he really still loves me or do u think he is just playen??? .......but i still love hom alot so this is really important to me so please answer me asap

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You sound like you are young. Soooo have fun. You dont need to be tied down by some guy who didnt realize how good he had it until you two broke up. As far as I am concerned he should have crashed his bike. If he thinks it is flattering to tell you that he still loves you and still wants to BANG you. GET REAL!!! RUN!!! get away from him. He sounds like a loser. DROP HIM!

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