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should i believe him?i need advice fast

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me and my boyfriend brokeup about 3 months ago and after we broke up whenever he saw me he would just stare at me and one time he almost wreaked his bike lookin at me when i drive by in the car. and all mine and his friends say he still loves me.the other day his best friend imed me and asked me all these questions and then he told me that my ex still love me alot. and then on monday he called me 3 times but i was sleepin so i didint answer my cell.and then on tuesday me and my friend were watchen tv and he called 6 times but i didnt hear it ring and on the 7th time i answered it and we talked from12-3am and his friend told me that my ex loved me and wanted to bang me. but i dont kno if i should believe him........wat do u think it sounds like he still loves me or do u think he is just playen?? but i really like him still so it is really important to me so please respond asap

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friend told me that my ex loved me and wanted to bang me. but


ummmmm I would not say he loved you, I would say he wants to bang you. You all must be young? Am I right?

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you are having sex at 13? I would say No he does not love you.......just curious.....what is your definition of love at age 13?

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no im not haveing sex at 13 but i madeout with him and we cuddled and he felt me up. we went places like the bowling ally and movies and stuff sooo ya we didnt do much

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oh I assumed you had since he stated he wanted to "bang you". I really am over double your age and cannot really relate to being 13 anymore. Just be careful and I can promise there will bve many more guys in your future that will come along and steal your heart. If he does love you, he will tell you himself and not send messages thru friends or make comments like he has.


Good luck...sorry I am not much help.

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if you wanna give him another chance then fine, but I beg you dont take it any further with him than making out, dont do something you regret especially since youre 13..and if he begins to ask you to do sexual stuff right away and pressures you then you know thats all he is after

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