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Am I Really Ready???

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Am I really ready? My boyfriend and I have known each other for 4 years. We have officially been "boyfriend/girlfriend" for 3 months. We are just inseperable. My friends and family love him and his friends and family love me... we are a match made in heaven. The time has come for us to start wondering, "are we ready for sex?" We talk about it quite often. We got carried away once, almost had sex, then stopped. Didn't want to do it with out thinking and talking about it. I need to get some advice from people. I can't talk to my best friend about it because she will just flip out on me. The only person that I can really talk to about it is my boyfriend. (or my sister-in-law, but I don't want her to tell my brother because my brother will most likely kill my boyfriend.) I just don't know what to think. I personally think I'm ready, but I'm just afraid of getting pregnant. It will be the first time for both of us. Tell me what you guys think.

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Part of being ready for sex means being responsible for doing it. I'm not sure how old you are - I'm guessing over 16. Make an appointment with a gynecologist. Get yourself a thorough exam, and request a prescription for birth control pills. Have your boyfriend buy condoms and some lubricant like AstroGlide or KY. Give yourselves enough time to let the first cycle of pills work. You have waited happily this long, another month won't hurt. Plan for it. Make it a special occasion for you both - set aside lots of alone time, and go somewhere safe and comfortable. When you are on that date, take it slow. Explore each other slowly, just as if you would do if you knew you were not going to have sex. Take time to build excitement and desire. The more physically ready you are for it, the easier it will be. Patience, lubrication, readiness and complete comfort between you will make it a memorable time. It may hurt the first time, it may not. But it surely will feel a lot better if you go into it prepared.

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I am 16. Thank you very much. I don't know... won't I have to have my mother with me for the Gyno. though?

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Originally posted by YouAndMe_6105

I am 16. Thank you very much. I don't know... won't I have to have my mother with me for the Gyno. though?


I don't know. It woudn't hurt to make some calls to physicians in your area to ask about that. Even if you have to have a parent there, it would't hurt. It will be easier to talk to your mom about needing an appointment than it would be turning up pregnant a few months from now, when its too late to open a meaningful and honest dialogue about responsible sex. Anything you tell her after the fact would be damage control. Are you able to talk to your mother about stuff like this?

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If you were ready for sex, you wouldnt have to ask if youre ready, thats something you just know. so if you are questioning it..it means you arent ready, you are only 16, theres no rush, you might love him now, but what if in a year or two you dont? you might regret losing your virginity to someone who wasnt really meant for you

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Originally posted by LucreziaBorgia

Part of being ready for sex means being responsible for doing it. I'm not sure how old you are - I'm guessing over 16. Make an appointment with a gynecologist. Get yourself a thorough exam, and request a prescription for birth control pills. Have your boyfriend buy condoms and some lubricant like AstroGlide or KY. Give yourselves enough time to let the first cycle of pills work. You have waited happily this long, another month won't hurt. Plan for it. Make it a special occasion for you both - set aside lots of alone time, and go somewhere safe and comfortable. When you are on that date, take it slow. Explore each other slowly, just as if you would do if you knew you were not going to have sex. Take time to build excitement and desire. The more physically ready you are for it, the easier it will be. Patience, lubrication, readiness and complete comfort between you will make it a memorable time. It may hurt the first time, it may not. But it surely will feel a lot better if you go into it prepared.


Awesome advice

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