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How do/would you answer this question?

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Mmmmm this got me thinking !


It's very likely that while she ' thinks' he has a lot going on and he brings a lot to the relationship BUT those who know him and question him, also know that what he is projecting is a facade and the girl hasn't seen that yet.


But only a rude resentful friend would say something this hurtful, so I give the benefit of the doubt to the original poster over his mean friend. Although why he's kept mean friends is a question worthy of debate.

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Wookin Pa Nub
Most of the discrepancy/gap are in people's heads.


I mean how far apart could you guys possibly be? You're both the same race (white I assume), you're in good shape.


I mean you guys are in your 40s. Most people our age are worrying about paying the mortgage and taking their kids to the doctor ... not about how much better looking your girlfriend is than you.


If there is a gap, it's either in your head or hers. I certainly wouldn't say anything if I saw you guys.


IDK but most accountants aren't known to be successful with beautiful women. I need to bring her to my next CPA conference.

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My gf turns heads when we go out. She is tall blonde, super fit yoga instructor with a certain enhancement. Before we re connected she went out on a date with a 28 year old, pretty studly guy who attends her yoga classes.



I hate to break this to you, but most women get hit on by men often. I'm not hot by any means and am a bit younger than your hot gf, but it's not unusual for guys in their 20s to ask me out. The difference is I laugh it off instead of making a big deal out of it...

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Wookin Pa Nub
I hate to break this to you, but most women get hit on by men often. I'm not hot by any means and am a bit younger than your hot gf, but it's not unusual for guys in their 20s to ask me out. The difference is I laugh it off instead of making a big deal out of it...


I'm sure most women do get hit on a lot and I am sure my gf is bombarded with attention especially considering she's wearing yoga pants around most days lol. She did tell me she has a lot of men and women admirers in her yoga classes.



The issue the OP raised the issue of confidence and doubt creeping in. I have full faith my gf is committed to me but to know she went on a date with a 28 year old studly guy and she has a MMA fighter as an admirer, it does put some doubt in my mind if I got the total package to keep her happy.

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"What do you mean?" and just look at them, silently, with an expectant look on your face.

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