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how do i seduce an older man?

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how do i seduce an older man?


I'm 21. He is 39ish, married, a former professor of mine.


Do most older men want to sleep with younger women?


[i am average-looking; he is very good-looking.]


I don't want a serious relationship nor for him to leave his wife.

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How about seducing someone who is NOT MARRIED! You don't want nothing but to slut your way around him and then go to the next guy. Not all men like younger women. Some prefer MATURE and SOPHISTICATED women that are the same age or older. Stop being sleazy and grow up a little.

how do i seduce an older man? I'm 21. He is 39ish, married, a former professor of mine. Do most older men want to sleep with younger women? [i am average-looking; he is very good-looking.]


I don't want a serious relationship nor for him to leave his wife.

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I don't think you will get much advice on how to accomplish this objective. I would not recommend that you pursue a relationship of this kind. It is usually destructive and ends up causing a lot of emotional pain for a number people.


You are a free person and can do as you please. If you decide to go through with this, you might want go ahead and start saving money now for future counseling sessions to help you get over it later.

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Ummmm ok there SLUT. Why don't you look for someone who is not married. Better yet don't even try cause with that attitude you will just ruin the poor guy. You are sick!!!!

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I don't think it's fair to characterize you as a slut because you want to seduce a much older married man. However, the fact that you have this desire indicates you did not receive sufficient moral and ethical training during your formative years, you have no regard for the sanctity of marriage, you have no respect for other's boundaries, and you lack the experience to know the kind of chaos and pain such liasons can produce in the lives of all concerned.


I urge you to seek moral education somewhere, to learn the consequences of actions, etc. You may have to learn the hard way. Many have paid for this lesson with their own life...I hope you're not one of them.


With so many men your age and older who are single and availble to you for seduction, there must be some compelling psychological reason why you would risk breaking up a family and possibly having someone take your own life to satisfy a passing whim.


I hope you will give the above serious consideration.


It would be against my own principles to advise you on how to seduce this man but, if you absolutely must and you are prepared to have your life twisted and wrangled for years to come, go to a search engine and enter: "seducing a married older man."

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Tony, no offense cause I agree to a point, but just say it plain english.... You're immature, naive, no morals, need some more experience in all fields, stupid to a point, and need to stop being slutty in getting into something with not only a MARRIED man but an OLDER MARRIED MAN. Sounds alot easier and she might understand it a little more.

I don't think it's fair to characterize you as a slut because you want to seduce a much older married man. However, the fact that you have this desire indicates you did not receive sufficient moral and ethical training during your formative years, you have no regard for the sanctity of marriage, you have no respect for other's boundaries, and you lack the experience to know the kind of chaos and pain such liasons can produce in the lives of all concerned. I urge you to seek moral education somewhere, to learn the consequences of actions, etc. You may have to learn the hard way. Many have paid for this lesson with their own life...I hope you're not one of them. With so many men your age and older who are single and availble to you for seduction, there must be some compelling psychological reason why you would risk breaking up a family and possibly having someone take your own life to satisfy a passing whim. I hope you will give the above serious consideration.


It would be against my own principles to advise you on how to seduce this man but, if you absolutely must and you are prepared to have your life twisted and wrangled for years to come, go to a search engine and enter: "seducing a married older man."

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how do i seduce an older man?


Tell him you think he is very wise. Compliment him. Dress well. Carry yourself with confidence and grace. Enunciate well when you speak.

I'm 21. He is 39ish, married, a former professor of mine. Do most older men want to sleep with younger women?


Depends on the man. Some men find youger women less appealing because they lack the sexual experience, maturity and confidence that an older woman has.

I don't want a serious relationship nor for him to leave his wife.


Is this just a fantasy? or is he showing clear signs of being interested in you? I can't help you unless I have more information

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"Carry yourself with confidence and grace."


How much "grace" can one have, when they are trying to get it on with a married man who's old enough to be one's Dad?


I can't see how grace can even fit into this equation. I just see "tacky" all the way around.



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..and that is why she is so quick to come to the defense of this young hooch, and to actually offer her advice and suggestions, no less. I thought I'd seen it all until I read someone giving someone advice on how to pick up a married man. I can only see someone doing this if they themself have had an affair with a married man in the past and they think it's fine and dandy. Disgusting.


Tell him you think he is very wise. Compliment him. Dress well. Carry yourself with confidence and grace. Enunciate well when you speak. Depends on the man. Some men find youger women less appealing because they lack the sexual experience, maturity and confidence that an older woman has. Is this just a fantasy? or is he showing clear signs of being interested in you? I can't help you unless I have more information
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