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Please Help, I Love Her

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PLEASE HELP, I LOVE HER Post: 9 | Quote:


Me and my best friend have been friends or about 5 years and for 2 years ive realized that i really like her. i mean i think about her all day every day and cant get enough of being around her. the promblem is i dont know if she likes me or not. we both have never had real relationship and i know she wants one because she tells her other friends while im around. recently we went away on a trip for school and it was during the summer so i hadnt seen her in a while. when i saw her on the trip she ran up to me in front of everybody and hugged me while she said this is my best friend. it was an unsually long hug. she also gives little signals like hitting me and smiling alot but she is really shy like i am would never tell me if she liked me.


i need to know some ways to either let her know i like her subtly or some ways woman send signals to guys they like. i really need help cause im desperate

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from what little you said I would say she has feelings for you. you should sit here down perhaps over dinner and ask her in a round about manner what she is looking for in a guy, future plans about settling down or does she like kids. if she lets on your it then you scored otherwise you might want to be straight with her and ask her if she has feelings for you after you tell her you would like to more than just friends. Make sure you take her out to a nice place to eat and wait till dessert before telling her.

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I'm in the same situation as you are except that I'm the girl having feelings for the guy. I've known this guy for 5 years and we used to hang out for movies and sport. But I'm not sure if he had feelings for me coz i think both of us are too shy to talk about this issue. I tend to hit him in a playful way or touch him when i'm talking to him to show that i'm interested but i think he's too shy to make a move or he's not interested at all...

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